Plans for McKinleyville Town Center & Broadway in Eureka

The Collector

January 8, 2021

Long-Awaited McKinleyville Town Center Plans Released
Instead of the expected architectural renderings, the County released a conceptual land use and circulation plan for the undeveloped portion of the Town Center. The plan calls for a mixture of housing and commercial development, along with open space, and even includes a pedestrian-only street area. CRTP supports many elements of this early draft, but we’re calling for some changes, too. Most importantly, the already-developed portions of the Town Center need to be included in the plans, rather than assuming that existing strip malls will stay that way forever.

Another Pedestrian Killed on Highway 101
This tragedy occurred on a stretch of highway that has no pedestrian facilities. Often, highway planners argue that there is no need for pedestrian facilities on highways where pedestrians are not “supposed” to be. But in this location and many others throughout the North Coast, there is no way to travel north or south without a vehicle without walking on the highway (or another road with no pedestrian facilities).

Broadway Plan Moves Ahead
The Humboldt County Association of Governments Technical Advisory Committee recommended approval of the plan yesterday with almost no discussion. CRTP continues to advocate for a focus on near-term improvements to address the safety crisis on Broadway, rather than big-dollar, long-term plans that may never happen. Read our latest comment letter here.

Del Norte Regional Transportation Plan Meeting Next Week
CRTP is developing detailed comments on the draft plan.

Eureka Transportation Safety Committee to Discuss Updating Traffic Safety Plan
The City Council delegated a big task to the committee when they decided that updating the plan should account for most of the city’s effort to address the ongoing traffic safety crisis.

Will COVID Bring Open Streets to the Arcata Plaza?
The Arcata City Council discussed potential uses for emergency COVID-related funding this week, and the idea of opening streets on the Plaza to assist businesses and residents with outdoor dining and other socially distanced activities was mentioned. This has been a long-term goal for CRTP, and we’ll be following developments closely.

Local Car Attacks on Protesters Make Annual “Dick Moves” List
The phenomenon is #2 on the North Coast Journal’s list, right after the entire year 2020.

Humboldt County Receives Bike & Pedestrian Safety Grant
Unfortunately, they intend to spend the money “educating” bicyclists and pedestrians about how not to be killed by cars, instead of educating drivers about how not to kill people. This kind of approach contributes to our society’s larger pedestrian victim-blaming problem.

Eureka to Add Cooper Gulch Trail to Capital Improvement Plan
At its meeting next week, the city’s Planning Commission will consider a plan that includes a bike and pedestrian trail extending from the Waterfront Trail in the north to Buhne Street in the south – the start of a much-anticipated “Bay-to-Zoo” trail.

Who Needs Richardson Grove Project Anyway?
CRTP Board Member Dave Spreen brings the perspective of someone with long experience in the local freight industry.

Reminder: Make Your Street Story Reports
715 reports (and counting) have been made in Humboldt County so far. If you see or experience a hazard, near-miss or collision on the street, make your Street Story report here. CRTP uses reports to advocate for change, and local agencies use them to apply for grants and prioritize improvements. Your reports are important!

A Eureka “Flâneur”
A great local example of streets as our premier public spaces.

Biden to Name Buttigieg Transportation Secretary
“Mayor Pete” marks a shift from previous transportation secretaries in two big ways: (1) His experience is primarily in local government, where most transportation dollars are spent; (2) He is a household name and has significant political ambitions beyond this post. Biden is also set to name former Michigan Governor Jennifer Granholm as his Energy Secretary. Granholm has close ties to the auto industry and is known as a major supporter of electric vehicles.

More Evidence that Sprawl, Not Density, Aids COVID-19 Spread
The COVID disaster unfolding in Southern California may be partly a result of land use patterns.

First City Posts Climate Change Warnings at Gas Stations
Cambridge, Massachusetts took this long-overdue step. Which city will be next?

The Collector is CRTP’s weekly transportation news roundup, published every Friday. We focus on North Coast news, but we also include relevant state, national and international transportation news – plus other items that we just find kind of interesting! To submit items for consideration, email

Eureka to Declare a Traffic Safety Crisis

The Collector

December 18, 2020

Editor’s Note: We’re off the next 2 weeks. But never fear, The Collector will be back in 2021! Stay safe and healthy, and happy holidays to all.

Supes Narrowly Continue Support for Richardson Grove Project
The decades-long controversy continues, and misinformation abounds. Some Humboldt County Supervisors seem to have construed this project as an old-fashioned “jobs-vs.-environment” bellwether and feel the need for political posturing in their legislative platform, even though it is not an issue before any legislature. CRTP has long opposed the project for many reasons. This time around, we pointed out that the project is using the same funds that could be used for safety upgrades in places like Broadway, and is intended to design the highway for big 1980s-style fossil-fueled trucks at a time when the freight industry is moving rapidly toward autonomous electric vehicles which will likely look quite different.

Eureka to Declare a Traffic Safety Crisis
This week, Eureka Mayor Susan Seaman made the case for declaring an official crisis, and the City Council agreed. They also reached consensus to direct the city’s Transportation Safety Commission to update the official traffic safety plan, and to create a task force (on which CRTP will serve) to come up with a plan to address the crisis. An official declaration and related actions will come at a future meeting.

Draft Broadway Plan Released
At a meeting this week, the Humboldt County Association of Governments heard about the plan. CRTP again stressed the need for near-term safety improvements, a few of which are included in the plan. Comments on the plan will be accepted through January 13th. Meanwhile, the City of Eureka is beginning an assessment of contamination on the Balloon Track. The draft Plan calls for building new roadways through the Track area, which would be a lengthy, expensive and controversial process.

Arcata Visioning Session Focused on Housing, Climate, Equity and Transportation
At a community visioning session on Thursday, Arcata residents asked the city to prioritize a slate of issues that sounded like they could have come right out of CRTP’s vision statement, ranging from access to affordable infill housing to new bike and pedestrian infrastructure and climate adaptation. Many of the same issues were raised by new Councilmembers the night before when they reviewed the topics constituents brought to them on the campaign trail.

McGuire Introduces Bill to Create Great Redwood Trail Agency
SB 69 would replace the North Coast Railroad Authority with the new agency and charge it with developing a trail system on the rail right-of-way north of the Sonoma-Mendocino county line. (South of the county line, that would be the responsibility of Sonoma-Marin Area Rail Transit.)

Arcata Committee Hears About “Elephants in the Road”
CRTP Executive Director Colin Fiske presented on our recent report to a receptive Transportation Safety Committee. Next step: implement all those recommendations!

Reminder: Make Your Street Story Reports
714 reports (and counting) have been made in Humboldt County so far. If you see or experience a hazard, near-miss or collision on the street, make your Street Story report here. CRTP uses reports to advocate for change, and local agencies use them to apply for grants and prioritize improvements. Your reports are important!

A Tale of Two Collisions
A pedestrian was struck and seriously injured on 4th Street in Eureka this week. News coverage noted that the victim was “wearing black.” In an unrelated tragedy this week, an allegedly intoxicated driver crashed a car, killing his passenger. The driver was immediately arrested on vehicular manslaughter charges, and no details were released about the victim. While these incidents differ in many respects, the reporting is typical of the way law enforcement and the media present these different types of collisions. Coverage of crashes in which pedestrians are injured or killed almost always includes details which create a victim-blaming narrative, while such details are almost never reported when the victim was inside a vehicle. (The reporting in this case, for example, did not discuss why the victim might have been riding in a car with an intoxicated driver. Nor should it have.)

Another Reason to Drive Less
Driving cars and trucks will always have a lot of impacts, even when all those vehicles are electric. Recently, scientists have uncovered one more impact – a chemical that comes from tires is polluting waterways and killing coho. Find out more on the EcoNews Report.

Slide at Last Chance Grade
Another winter, another slide.

The Real Estate Industry Is Too Focused on Single-Family Homes
A new report argues the industry needs a major “reset” to focus on creating the kinds of housing and communities we need today.

The Collector is CRTP’s weekly transportation news roundup, published every Friday. We focus on North Coast news, but we also include relevant state, national and international transportation news – plus other items that we just find kind of interesting! To submit items for consideration, email

Eureka Mayor to Report on Traffic Safety

The Collector

December 11, 2020

Eureka City Council to Hear Mayor’s Report on Traffic Safety
In recent months, it has become increasingly clear that there is a traffic safety crisis in the city.

First Public Discussion of Major Housing Project Design
This week, the City of Eureka’s Design Review Committee had its first discussion about the proposal by Linc Housing to build affordable apartments on three city-owned parking lots. It will be the biggest infill housing project in Humboldt County in a very long time and is strongly supported by CRTP.

Court Overturns Environmentalist Victory in Richardson Grove Case
A federal appeals court dealt a setback to opponents of the highway expansion project. However, the legal fight is far from over. The Humboldt County Board of Supervisors also debated this week whether to include support for the project in its annual legislative platform, ultimately delaying a decision until next week. Although not involved in the litigation, CRTP has always opposed this project.

Humboldt Supervisors Discuss Relocation Policy
Also at this week’s meeting, the Supes were slated to adopt an official policy on how to relocate residents displaced by County projects – the subject of a lawsuit earlier this year that included CRTP. However, after comments from CRTP that the policy does not adequately account for transportation impacts, as well as objections from Legal Services of Northern California, the Board punted this topic to next week too.

We Can Tackle Our Transportation Challenges, If We Act Now
Check out the new op-ed by CRTP Board Member Keenan Hilton in the Times-Standard.

New HCAOG Executive Director Announced
Marcella May, this year’s Responsible Transportation Champion, will be retiring at the end of the year. We now know that local planner Beth Burks will be taking her place in January.

The Intersection of Safety and Environmentalism on Broadway
CRTP Executive Director Colin Fiske tackles this heavy topic in the EcoNews.

Arcata to Hold Official Listening Session Next Week
Want the city to focus on transportation issues next year? Now’s your chance to tell the new Council. On a related note, CRTP Executive Director Colin Fiske is also scheduled to present next week to the Arcata Transportation Safety Committee on recommendations from our recent report. (The presentation was originally scheduled for last month but delayed due to technical difficulties.)

New Money for Harbor Upgrades?
Marine transportation infrastructure is always connected to land-side transportation infrastructure.

Reminder: Make Your Street Story Reports
713 reports (and counting) have been made in Humboldt County so far. If you see or experience a hazard, near-miss or collision on the street, make your Street Story report here. CRTP uses reports to advocate for change, and local agencies use them to apply for grants and prioritize improvements. Your reports are important!

Bicycle Tragedy in Nevada
Five people participating in a group ride were killed when a truck plowed into the group. Bicycle and pedestrian deaths continue to increase nationwide.

Why Do We Forgive Violent Acts Behind the Wheel?
A professor argues that American law is ill equipped to handle violence – including political violence – when a car or truck is the weapon.

Car & Truck Pollution Doesn’t Just Come from Tailpipes
It comes from tires, too – another reason that just switching to electric vehicles won’t solve all the problems caused by driving.

You Can Add Temporary Bike Lanes with Corn Starch and Cheap Paint!
One of the fascinating lessons learned on this week’s webinar about implementing quick-build bike safety projects on the cheap.

The Collector is CRTP’s weekly transportation news roundup, published every Friday. We focus on North Coast news, but we also include relevant state, national and international transportation news – plus other items that we just find kind of interesting! To submit items for consideration, email

Great Redwood Trail Plan Approved, Plus a Broadway Update

The Collector

December 4, 2020

Caltrans Reports to Eureka City Council on Broadway Situation
On Tuesday, local Caltrans officials told the Council that they could probably add a couple more pedestrian crossings of Broadway next summer. Here at CRTP, we think those crossings are great – but far more needs to be done to address the ongoing safety crisis.

State Transportation Commission Approves Great Redwood Trail Plan
Almost the entirety of the North Coast Railroad Authority’s right-of-way north of Willits will soon be “railbanked” for future trail construction. The Commission also put some funding back in Humboldt’s transportation coffers as a result of the big Highway 101 Arcata-Eureka corridor project costing a lot less than anticipated.

More Talk About Broadway
Listen to a full discussion of the issues on the Eco News Report.

Draft Del Norte Regional Transportation Plan Released
Public comment is due by January 12, 2021.

Arcata Planning Commission to Consider Sea Level Rise Planning
Significant portions of the city – including streets, roads and trails – are threatened by projected sea level rise.

Pedestrian Seriously Injured in Glendale Collision
There was also another pedestrian killed in Eureka this week. Also, although we focus on covering bicycle and pedestrian injuries in The Collector, it is worth remembering that driving in our region is extremely dangerous too.

Two Surveys on Local Transit
A survey for the annual Humboldt County Unmet Transit Needs process is underway, as well as one for the current update of Humboldt’s Coordinate Public Transportation Plan.

New Local Electric Vehicle Rebate Now Available
While funding lasts, when you buy a new EV in Humboldt, you can apply for a rebate from the Redwood Coast Energy Authority – in addition to larger state and federal subsidies.

Reminder: Make Your Street Story Reports
713 reports (and counting) have been made in Humboldt County so far. If you see or experience a hazard, near-miss or collision on the street, make your Street Story report here. CRTP uses reports to advocate for change, and local agencies use them to apply for grants and prioritize improvements. Your reports are important!

Webinar on “Inclusive Planning in Tribal Communities”
Tune into this webinar from America Walks next week on how to involve folks with disabilities in tribal transportation planning.

Are States Trying to Kill More Pedestrians?
As pedestrian and bicyclist deaths increase nationwide, many states – including California – are setting official federal targets for those deaths that are even bigger than the number of people currently being killed.

Fund Transit as Much as Highways!
80% for highways? That’s so 1980s.

The Pandemic Hasn’t Reduced Emissions Nearly Enough
It turns out we can’t rely on global disasters to reduce our carbon emissions (a very large fraction of which comes from transportation). We might actually have to do it intentionally.

The Collector is CRTP’s weekly transportation news roundup, published every Friday. We focus on North Coast news, but we also include relevant state, national and international transportation news – plus other items that we just find kind of interesting! To submit items for consideration, email

State Issues Great Redwood Trail Report

The Collector

November 20, 2020

Editor’s Note: We’ll be off next week for Thanksgiving. Enjoy the holiday safely!

County Issues Travel Advisory
Long-distance travel is considered high risk for spreading COVID-19, and local authorities are discouraging it.

State Produces Great Redwood Trail Report
A long-awaited report has been published on the financial and technical challenges facing the transition of the current North Coast Railroad Authority’s right-of-way to a long-distance trail system. The short version: it will be very expensive, but the NCRA will have to reckon with most of those costs no matter what happens – so we might as well get a world-class trail out of it! Now that the report is out, State Senator Mike McGuire will likely be introducing legislation to take the next steps toward eventual trail construction.

Broadway Report Delayed
The Humboldt County Association of Governments (HCAOG) Board was scheduled to hear a report on the Broadway Multimodal Corridor Plan this week. But the Plan was reportedly not ready in time, and the item has been postponed. They did, however, hold an Unmet Transit Needs hearing and receive a report on future efforts to build more housing in the county.

King Tides, Storms Flood Roads
A preview of coming sea level rise.

McKinleyville Municipal Advisory Committee Talks Wetlands
The committee heard from a panel of experts and discussed proposed changes to wetland policy for the Town Center area. No final decisions were made, but committee members seemed more reticent to approve additional wetlands impacts than they had in the past. Whatever happens, CRTP is working to ensure that the Town Center becomes a walkable, bikeable hub for the county’s third-largest community.

“Project Eureka” Launches to Beautify Downtown Streets
Could beautification help improve safety along the Highway 101 corridor?

Reminder: Make Your Street Story Reports
708 reports (and counting) have been made in Humboldt County so far. If you see or experience a hazard, near-miss or collision on the street, make your Street Story report here. CRTP uses reports to advocate for change, and local agencies use them to apply for grants and prioritize improvements. Your reports are important!

Technical Glitches Cancel Arcata Transportation Committee Meeting
The meeting has been postponed to December – including CRTP Executive Director Colin Fiske’s presentation on our “Elephants in the Road” report.

The Role of Cars in This Crazy Year
Here’s a good round-up of cars, politics and the pandemic in 2020. Cars continue to take center stage with the politicization of vehicular attacks on protesters, among other issues.

US Bike, Pedestrian Fatalities Continue to Rise
But they’re dropping fast in most of Europe and the rest of the developed world. Maybe we could learn some lessons from our friends overseas.

In the Wake of Prop 22, Whither Ride Hailing?
Many problems with companies like Uber and Lyft remain – or have gotten much worse.

New Tool Maps Greenhouse Gases from Transportation
The tool, from the California Air Resources Board, is in beta testing.

The Lithium Question
The transition to electric vehicles means that the demand for lithium batteries is expected to surge. What does that mean for Bolivia, which has the world’s biggest lithium resource?

“Oil Capital of Canada” Eliminates Parking Minimums
If Edmonton can do it, any city can.

The Collector is CRTP’s weekly transportation news roundup, published every Friday. We focus on North Coast news, but we also include relevant state, national and international transportation news – plus other items that we just find kind of interesting! To submit items for consideration, email

McKinleyville Wetlands & Eureka Parking Lots

The Collector

November 13, 2020

McKinleyville Town Center Meeting Scheduled for Next Week
Long-awaited conceptual renderings of potential town center designs are not yet ready, so the discussion will focus on the proposed wetlands policy. CRTP is here to remind you that a large portion of the future town center is already developed, and can be re-developed over the long term with no impact to wetlands.

Public Meeting Next Week on Eureka Housing Proposal
CRTP strongly supports the effort to build affordable housing on city-owned parking lots. We’re working to ensure that this project also comes with significant pedestrian, bike and transit improvements.

Arcata Committee to Hear Presentation on CRTP Report
Tuesday’s agenda for the Transportation Safety Committee also includes an update on the search for a new bikeshare program and consideration of requests for new stop signs and parking changes.

High-Speed Police Chase in Eureka Ends in Serious Injuries
As we have pointed out before, high-speed chases regularly kill and injure bystanders. Many cities have policies against them for that reason.

HSU Foundation Buys “The Village” Site
With the formerly proposed student housing project no longer on the table, one of the proposed future uses for the site is…more parking! Just what an “eco-friendly” school currently hemorrhaging students and revenue dollars needs.

Potential Water Service to Trinidad Area to Be Explored
As Supervisor Steve Madrone noted, extension of municipal water service often induces additional development – which means more driving.

Humboldt Residents are Moving Around Almost As Much as Before the Pandemic
But our destinations have changed.

Reminder: Make Your Street Story Reports
700 reports (and counting) have been made in Humboldt County so far. If you see or experience a hazard, near-miss or collision on the street, make your Street Story report here. CRTP uses reports to advocate for change, and local agencies use them to apply for grants and prioritize improvements. Your reports are important!

King Tides This Weekend Will Preview Sea Level Rise
Some low-lying coastal roads are likely to flood.

Give Your Input on Caltrans Active Transportation Planning
Take the survey, and keep using Street Story – they’ll be looking at those data, too!

Prop 22 Passes; Local Cab Companies Brace for the Impact
Uber, Lyft and Doordash spent over $200 million to pass the measure exempting their drivers from state employment laws. One under-reported consequence: With each driver acting as an independent contractor, it will be much harder to impose regulations that transition the companies’ fleets to zero-emission vehicles. Another: the creation of a massive government subsidy for an essentially unsustainable form of transportation.

Bad News for Statewide Land Use and Housing Measures
Prop 15, which would have created a significant new revenue source for local transportation (and other services and capital improvements), failed. So did Prop 21, which would have allowed local governments to implement rent control measures.

The Collector is CRTP’s weekly transportation news roundup, published every Friday. We focus on North Coast news, but we also include relevant state, national and international transportation news – plus other items that we just find kind of interesting! To submit items for consideration, email

A Weekly News Roundup That’s (Mostly) Not About the Election

The Collector

November 6, 2020

Editor’s Note: We know everyone is anxiously watching election results roll in. But just like vote counting in swing states, transportation issues never stop! So here’s your weekly report.

CRTP and Allies Call for More Near-Term Safety Improvements on Broadway
Caltrans and the City of Eureka have committed to making some near-term improvements. We’re working to make sure they include all of the feasible changes that would protect people walking and biking on the street.

Trump Parade Driver Threatens Pedestrian
The driver of a large pickup truck with an American flag and Trump sign veered intentionally toward – and nearly hit – a counter-protester on foot in McKinleyville.

Got Any Unmet Transit Needs?
The annual Unmet Transit Needs process in Humboldt County is happening now, with a series of hearings and an online comment form. The Humboldt County Board of Supervisors held its hearing this week. If you have unmet needs, or have ideas about how to get transit back to health after ridership drops during the pandemic, now’s the time to speak up!

Tell Us How to Improve Transit in McKinleyville
CRTP and partners are still taking input on the McKinleyville Transit Study. If you live or work in McKinleyville, let us know your ideas for making public transportation there more convenient, effective, and easy to use.

Local Transportation and Housing-Related Ballot Measures Likely to Pass
OK, here’s one thing about the election. Measure B in Arcata and Measure I in unincorporated Humboldt County would increase the percentage of allowed low-income and supportive housing. Measure E in Trinidad, Measure G in Fortuna, and Measure H in Eureka would all increase or retain sales taxes, some of whose revenue will go toward streets and roads. All of the measures were leading by wide margins in election-night vote tallies.

Reminder: Make Your Street Story Reports
700 reports (and counting) have been made in Humboldt County so far. If you see or experience a hazard, near-miss or collision on the street, make your Street Story report here. CRTP uses reports to advocate for change, and local agencies use them to apply for grants and prioritize improvements. Your reports are important!

Carmakers Knew Decades Ago They Were Killing the Climate
They ignored and covered up that knowledge, and even today they’re doubling down on big climate-destroying SUVs and pickup trucks.

What If Women Designed Cities?
Land use and transportation planning and engineering have long been dominated by men. Some are now pointing out that the needs and desires of half the population have often been ignored.

State Agencies Talk Equity, Climate Action
At their semi-annual joint meeting, the California Air Resources Board, Transportation Commission and Department of Housing and Community Development discussed how to incorporate equity into their work. They also received an update on a forthcoming statewide Climate Action Plan for Transportation Infrastructure – so keep your eyes open for that!

The Collector is CRTP’s weekly transportation news roundup, published every Friday. We focus on North Coast news, but we also include relevant state, national and international transportation news – plus other items that we just find kind of interesting! To submit items for consideration, email

The Crisis on Broadway and Pedestrian Victim-Blaming

The Collector

October 30, 2020

City Council Calls for Urgent Safety Upgrades on Broadway
The Eureka City Council heard updates on the long-term Broadway Corridor Plan on Thursday. Between last week’s meeting, when the item was initially on the agenda, and this week’s meeting when it was actually discussed, another person riding a bike was killed on Broadway. Councilmembers seemed to grasp the urgency of the bike/pedestrian safety crisis that CRTP has been highlighting throughout the planning process, and most of the discussion was focused on short-term interventions rather than the long-term plan. Caltrans is scheduled to report back to the Council within the next month on what kinds of safety upgrades could be funded and built in the immediate future.

Pedestrian Victim Blaming Reaches New Heights of Absurdity
A person crossing 4th Street in Eureka in a marked crosswalk is nevertheless being blamed for the hit-and-run collision which put them in a hospital in serious condition. The Eureka Police Department claims that the victim “appeared to suddenly run out in front of the car that ultimately struck him.” Let’s be absolutely clear: If drivers are following the law, there is no way for them to hit a pedestrian in the middle of a marked crosswalk and not be at fault. And more important than any legal standard are (1) the ethical requirement of due caution when operating a potentially deadly machine like a car or truck, and (2) the pattern of serious collisions on these roads that indicate that street design, not aberrant behavior, is the real problem.

“Rolling Justice” Rally Planned to Protect Election Results
Bikes, cars and vehicles of all kinds will be used in the post-Election Day rally.

HCAOG Director Named 2020 Responsible Transportation Champion
Marcella May received CRTP’s annual award for “her leadership in the development of safe and appealing alternatives to driving, from trails to sidewalks to improved bus service” in Humboldt County.

Caltrans Appeals Richardson Grove Ruling…Again
Apparently the agency has not yet given up on its decades-long quest to widen and straighten Highway 101 through the state park to allow extra-big trucks to drive through.

McKinleyville Committee Talks Transit Improvements, Town Center
The Municipal Advisory Committee heard about and gave input on the ongoing McKinleyville Transit Study, and later heard an ambitious schedule for moving ahead with Town Center planning. Long-awaited architectural renderings of potential Town Center designs are now slated for public release next week.

Supes Discuss Speed Limits on Private Roads
Private road improvements associations in Humboldt can join California’s broken system for setting and enforcing speed limits!

Reminder: Make Your Street Story Reports
697 reports (and counting) have been made in Humboldt County so far. If you see or experience a hazard, near-miss or collision on the street, make your Street Story report here. CRTP uses reports to advocate for change, and local agencies use them to apply for grants and prioritize improvements. Your reports are important!

Depressed? Maybe You Should Blame Cars
A new studies shows shockingly high increases in depression and other mental health problems correlated with emissions from cars and trucks.

Agencies to Meet Jointly Next Week on Climate, Transportation and Housing
Can they align their programs, policies and plans to achieve the state’s goals?

“Jaywalking” Is a Concept Invented for Victim-Blaming Pedestrians
It’s time to decriminalize it.

State Treasurer Touts EV Infrastructure
Since the governor’s executive order for all new vehicles to be zero-emission by 2035, a lot of folks are getting pretty excited.

The Collector is CRTP’s weekly transportation news roundup, published every Friday. We focus on North Coast news, but we also include relevant state, national and international transportation news – plus other items that we just find kind of interesting! To submit items for consideration, email

A Green New Deal in Humboldt?

The Collector

October 23, 2020

A Green New Deal in Humboldt?
CRTP Executive Director Colin Fiske joins Tom Wheeler of EPIC and Katy Gurin of 350 Humboldt to talk about what that might look like.

Housing Over Parking Advances, Broadway Discussion Delayed
At its meeting on Tuesday, the Eureka City Council unanimously approved moving forward with a proposal to build 104 affordable housing units on three city-owned parking lots, a move strongly supported by CRTP. They also approved an expedited permitting ordinance for electric vehicle charging stations. However, a discussion of Broadway corridor planning was delayed to a special meeting next Thursday. We’ll be there advocating for immediate safety improvements for people walking, biking and rolling.

Another Vehicular Attack on Protesters, Another Reckless Driving Charge
Despite the charges, District Attorney Maggie Fleming’s statement was mostly focused on blaming the victims. Fleming says that the reckless driving happened before a person on foot approached the vehicle and “banged on” and “leapt on” it, and that the driver can’t be held responsible for the collisions and injuries that happened afterwards. In essence, she concluded that the protester trying to stop a reckless driver in a crowd of people is to blame for the fact that the driver reacted by accelerating and hitting people. After all, who could blame a person encased in tons of plastic and steel for accelerating into flesh-and-bone human beings because they felt nervous? This topsy-turvy logic puts auto-normativity and anti-protest sentiments on full display.

Another Vehicle Hits a Pedestrian on 101 in Eureka
Thankfully, initial reports indicated that the victim was still alive, although seriously injured.

Del Norte Transportation Plan Inching Forward
At a relatively uneventful public meeting this week, consultants for the Del Norte Local Transportation Commission provided background information about the Regional Transportation Plan and asked for input, but did not have a draft Plan ready to share. They expect a draft to be ready for public review in December. Meanwhile, community members can submit their input via this survey.

Humboldt Trails Council Wants to Hear Your Trail Stories
The local organization is participating in a national effort to collect “trail moments.” Look out for signs at popular trailheads around the region.

Reminder: Make Your Street Story Reports
697 reports (and counting) have been made in Humboldt County so far. If you see or experience a hazard, near-miss or collision on the street, make your Street Story report here. CRTP uses reports to advocate for change, and local agencies use them to apply for grants and prioritize improvements. Your reports are important!

EV Chargers to Get Battery Backup
One of the two sets of chargers at the Bayshore Mall is lining up permits to add a “Battery Energy Storage System” – presumably to improve reliability and reduce electricity costs.

The Allure of the North Coast
Will our region draw droves of climate refugees and city-fleeing rich people over the coming months and years? What will this mean for patterns of local land use and transportation?

EV Charging Stations Aren’t Equitably Distributed
A newly published study conducted by researchers at Humboldt State University finds geographic disparities in charging infrastructure across the state that are correlated with race and income.

SUVs Just Keep Getting Bigger
Who exactly benefits from this crazy trend, aside from car manufacturers?

The Collector is CRTP’s weekly transportation news roundup, published every Friday. We focus on North Coast news, but we also include relevant state, national and international transportation news – plus other items that we just find kind of interesting! To submit items for consideration, email

Eureka City Council to Tackle Broadway, Parking Lots, Housing and More

The Collector

October 16, 2020

Del Norte Transportation Planning Gears Up
The county’s Regional Transportation Plan determines what projects are eligible for most state and federal funding, and it only gets updated once every 5 years. On Thursday, the Local Transportation Commission’s Technical Advisory Committee got a sneak peak at the new draft. Next Tuesday, there will be a meeting to gather public input. If you live or work in Del Norte, show up and have your say – and take the survey too!

Eureka City Council to Tackle Broadway, Parking Lots, Housing and More
Next Tuesday’s meeting will be packed with important items, including:

  • Providing direction to staff on how to proceed with Broadway Corridor planning (CRTP and allies have been advocating for immediate safety improvements, but other options are still on the table)
  • Authorizing staff to negotiate an agreement with a Southern California nonprofit housing developer to build 104 units of affordable housing on underused city parking lots (we’re strongly in support!)
  • Approving an expedited permitting ordinance for electric vehicle charging stations (3 years past the state deadline, but better late than never!)

Don’t Forget to Weigh in on McKinleyville Transit
There’s a study under way examining how to improve public transportation in McKinleyville. CRTP is coordinating outreach, and we want to hear from you!

State Funding for Eureka Roads, 101 Bridges
The California Transportation Commission meets next week, and as always there are North Coast projects on the agenda. Items of interest include allocation of funding to repave and update sidewalks on Highland, Koster, Hawthorne, Felt and 14th Street in Eureka, as well as a Highway 101 bridge seismic upgrade at the border of Humboldt and Mendocino Counties that will include re-striping to widen the shoulders for bicycles.

Tri-County Independent Living Provides PSPS Transportation Support
Among other critical support services for people living with disabilities.

Reminder: Make Your Street Story Reports
686 reports (and counting) have been made in Humboldt County so far. If you see or experience a hazard, near-miss or collision on the street, make your Street Story report here. CRTP uses reports to advocate for change, and local agencies use them to apply for grants and prioritize improvements. Your reports are important!

Speeders Set the Speed Limit
A new video explains in 6 minutes the absolute absurdity of the way most states – including California – set speed limits.

Driving While Black
A new documentary on PBS explores the history of race and mobility in America.

CalBike Releases Quick-Build Guide
Because safety – and the climate – can’t wait.

Smart Growth America: We Need to Drive Less
A new report explains exactly why electric vehicles, while necessary, are not enough.

The Collector is CRTP’s weekly transportation news roundup, published every Friday. We focus on North Coast news, but we also include relevant state, national and international transportation news – plus other items that we just find kind of interesting! To submit items for consideration, email