Residents Sue Over Eureka Parking Crater Plans

The Collector

December 13, 2019

Residents Sue County Over Parking Crater Plans
Now we know why the Supervisors delayed their property purchase plans last week. It turns out that current residents of the 1000 block of 4th Street would rather not be kicked out of their homes with no place to go so that the County can expand the jail and blast a parking crater into downtown. Who would have thought?

Supervisors Push Back on Traffic Fee
As we reported last week, Humboldt County is proposing a new development impact fee which would be used to pay to increase vehicular capacity on local roads. Supervisors Wilson and Madrone objected to the focus on cars, while other Supervisors picked up on realtor and developer objections to having to pay more to build. In the end, the Board directed staff to “talk to stakeholders” and come back with a new plan.

Give Your Feedback on the Town Center!
If you missed the latest meeting, or even if you were there, fill out the survey to tell the County that you want a walkable McKinleyville Town Center.

Health Clinic’s Transportation Impacts
The new Open Door center provides close to the minimum amount of required parking (that’s a good thing!) – and their plan still shows more land devoted to parking than to the actual clinic. But there’s still a lot they can do to encourage employees and clients to walk, bike and ride the bus instead of drive. Luckily, they’re working on that.

Local Resident Wants to Own a Bike Shop
The letter published in the Times-Standard from a currently incarcerated Eureka man is both heart-breaking and inspiring. It’s a story of bad circumstances and bad decisions with a dream of bicycles at the end.

Is Eureka’s “Moonshot” Program All About Transportation?
Examples provided of possible “moonshot” topics range from self-driving cars to drones e-bikes to buses to hyperloops. If we’re talking about big transportation goals, how about a 100% pedestrianized downtown?

Arcata Planning Commission Considers Housing Element
The new document is focused on infill housing development for active transportation and transit.

Weekly Street Story Update: McKinleyville
From the map of reports, it looks like far fewer McKinleyville residents have been using Street Story than Arcata or Eureka residents. McKinleyville has almost the same population as Arcata, but a fraction of the reports. And we know it’s not because the roads are safer! McKinleyville residents (and everyone else): You can make your Street Story report here.

CalBike Unveils 2020 Agenda
Check it out!

The Future of Electric Trucks in California
Is this how we’ll make our freight transportation system more sustainable?

The Collector is CRTP’s weekly transportation news roundup, published every Friday. We focus on North Coast news, but we also include relevant state, national and international transportation news – plus other items that we just find kind of interesting! To submit items for consideration, email

Will the County Charge Developers to Build Bigger Roads?

The Collector

December 6, 2019

County Proposes Impact Fee…to Build Bigger Roads
At the Board of Supervisors meeting next week, an ordinance is on the agenda to establish the Greater Eureka Area Traffic Impact Fee – the culmination of a project that began way back in 2006. We believe in developers paying their fair share for impacts they cause. But this proposed ordinance says revenues can be used ONLY for “capacity enhancing improvements” like road widening and road expansion. This would lock the county into the kind of counterproductive road planning that will just encourage more driving and increase congestion in the long run. It seems the county needs a reminder that you can’t reduce congestion by building bigger roads – you’ve got to make it easier to walk, bike, and take the bus.

4th Street Parking Crater Plans May Be Delayed
Also on next Tuesday’s Supes agenda is a staff request to delay purchase of the housing and commercial properties on 4th Street in Eureka, which the county plans to use mostly as a parking lot. The delay is attributed to unspecified “issues relating to the tenants and occupants” of the existing buildings.

County Considers 2020 Legislative Platform
Also on Tuesday’s Supes agenda is a discussion of what types of state and federal bills the county should officially support next year. Lots of transportation-related issues could be affected, including infrastructure funding, the Richardson Grove road expansion project, and the Highway 101 Arcata-Eureka Corridor project. Not currently on the list: support for federal and state-level Complete Streets bills.

Town Center Planning Continues Next Week in McKinleyville
The County Planning Department and McKinleyville Municipal Advisory Committee are hosting a “Community Round Table” next Wednesday to get more input from residents on how to prioritize elements of the future Town Center Master Plan. At the last meeting, walkability was the most talked-about feature of a future town center. Come on out and make sure it stays at the top of the list!

Truckers Parade, Meet EV Parade
A new tradition starts in Blue Lake.

Weekly Street Story Update: SoHum
Most of the Street Story reports so far have come from Arcata, Eureka, and surrounding areas – because that’s where most people in the county live. But there are road hazards in the rural areas, too, as residents know well. You can make your Street Story report here.

Transportation Commission to Allocate Active Transportation Funds
At next week’s meeting, the California Transportation Commission will vote on funding for a long list of active transportation projects, including local projects in Blue Lake and Fortuna. Also on the agenda are cost overruns for the Panther Creek Bridge seismic retrofit project in Del Norte County and a discussion of the federal government’s latest attempt to roll back fuel efficiency standards.

Wireless Charging for Electric Buses
New technologies allow electric buses to charge up during their routes, extending their ranges substantially.

New Arizona Development Won’t Allow Cars
Could this be the start of a trend?

Cargo Bikes On the Rise in New York
Major shippers are signing on to use bikes for local delivery in the big city.

The Collector is CRTP’s weekly transportation news roundup, published every Friday. We focus on North Coast news, but we also include relevant state, national and international transportation news – plus other items that we just find kind of interesting! To submit items for consideration, email

CRTP Names 2019 Responsible Transportation Champion

The Collector

November 22, 2019

Mary Burke Named 2019 North Coast Responsible Transportation Champion
CRTP recognized the McKinleyville official for her leadership in bringing active transportation planning to the forefront in that historically car-dominated community. If you see her around, thank her for all of us!

New Street Tree Program Debuts in Eureka
The Times-Standard notes that “benefits include traffic calming.” Meanwhile, Eureka and Caltrans continue to argue over who’s responsible for such things on Broadway. We love trees and traffic-calming, but we caution planners to make sure new trees don’t create unnecessary obstructions or hazards for users of the sidewalk.

Another Driver Hits A Pedestrian on Highway 101
And again, CHP and the media appear to be blaming the victim.

Arcata Accepting Comments on Housing Plan
Where and how we allow (and build) housing is the biggest factor in determining where and how we get around.

Weekly Street Story Update: Broadway
If Eureka is serious about making Broadway safer, there are good data on Street Story for them to consider. The Arcata Transportation Safety Committee talked about Street Story this week – so can Eureka! You can make your Street Story report here.

Bay Area Planning Agencies Debut New Public “Game”
“Mayor of Bayville” is an online platform intended to increase public participation in transportation and land use planning.

An Experiment in Development Without the Rules
There are lots of good reasons to regulate development. But in a small area in the middle of the Vancouver, BC, a Canadian First Nation unconstrained by density restrictions and parking requirements is able to build a lot of housing that wouldn’t have been possible if they’d followed the rules. Makes ya think.

What’s Missing from Candidate Climate Plans?
We’re talking about it, so it must be transportation-related.

Wondering What’s in the Federal Complete Streets Act of 2019?
Find out here, courtesy of Smart Growth America.

How to Transform the Suburbs
Ideas from leading thinkers on land use, transportation, housing and more.

A Debate in New York Over the Price of Parking
Could free storage of private cars in the public right-of-way – ahem, street parking – become a thing of the past in the nation’s biggest city?

The Collector is CRTP’s weekly transportation news roundup, published every Friday. We focus on North Coast news, but we also include relevant state, national and international transportation news – plus other items that we just find kind of interesting! To submit items for consideration, email

Burke Named 2019 Responsible Transportation Champion

The Coalition for Responsible Transportation Priorities (CRTP) has named McKinleyville Community Services District Director and McKinleyville Municipal Advisory Committee member Mary Burke the 2019 North Coast Responsible Transportation Champion. Burke is being recognized for her leadership in promoting better planning, infrastructure, and community engagement in active transportation in McKinleyville. Burke co-founded the McKinleyville Community Trails Coalition in 2017 and recently spearheaded the formation of the McKinleyville Municipal Advisory Committee’s first active transportation subcommittee.

“When it comes to walking and biking in McKinleyville, Director Burke has played the role of a visionary leader as well as an engaged, hard-working citizen,” said CRTP Executive Director Colin Fiske. “She has raised the profile of active transportation in this historically car-dominated community and created a momentum for improvement that won’t soon be slowed.”

“I am honored to receive this award, and I accept it on behalf of the members of our community that have put energy into active transportation planning for McKinleyville,” said Burke. “The work we do now to make it easier, safer, and more fun to walk and ride will improve our health and will benefit generations to come. As an appeal to those who have an interest in serving your community, please consider joining MCSD’s Recreation Advisory Committee or the McKinleyville Municipal Advisory Committee to help advance solutions to active transportation needs.”

The North Coast Responsible Transportation Champion award is given each year to a leader who furthers CRTP’s mission of “promoting transportation solutions that protect and support a healthy environment, healthy people, healthy communities and a healthy economy on the North Coast.” Burke is the second recipient of the award. State Senator Mike McGuire received the inaugural 2018 award for his work and vision of making the Great Redwood Trail a reality.

“Although it sometimes receives less attention than other local communities, McKinleyville has the third-largest population in Humboldt County,” said Fiske. “Improving bikeability and walkability here will improve public health and quality of life for many people, reduce emissions of greenhouse gasses and other pollutants, and help support a vibrant local economy. Burke’s leadership has put active transportation planning at the top of the agenda in McKinleyville, and for that she fully deserves to be named the 2019 North Coast Responsible Transportation Champion.”

Mary Burke receives the 2019 North Coast Transportation Champion award from Coalition Executive Director Colin Fiske.

People Want A Safer Broadway, But Await A Drive-Thru Restaurant

The Collector

November 15, 2019

McKinleyville Town Center Meeting Heavily Attended
The meeting on Wednesday, held jointly by the County planning department and the McKinleyville Municipal Advisory Committee, asked residents what they want to see in the future town center. The number one answer? Walkability!

Creek Side Homes Project Sent to City Council
The Arcata Planning Commission (again) held a hearing on the housing project on the western edge of the city and (again) voted to move it on to the Council. You can read CRTP’s comments on the project here.

Eureka Residents Want a Prettier, Safer Broadway
But project planners are looking to get “congestion relief” funds, which historically has meant bigger, uglier, more dangerous roads (and more of them). Let’s hope that’s not where this is headed.

Meanwhile, More Car-Oriented Restaurants Are Almost Open on That Same Roadway
Local media report breathlessly on the progress. The irony of a new development designed to bring more cars to Broadway at the same time as the city hears concerns about the road’s safety for bicyclists and pedestrians seems largely unnoticed.

Watch Out for Livestock
More drivers have been hitting livestock in Humboldt lately, and law enforcement is putting the public on notice that they intend to crack down.

McKinleyville Skateboarders Get Money for a Park
Skateboarding is active transportation too!

Coast Guard Has Plans for Humboldt Bay Bar
Local marine transportation would be affected.

Weekly Street Story Update: Valley West
Every (non-highway) route in and out of the Valley West neighborhood in Arcata has been reported as hazardous on Street Story. This isn’t news to those who live there, and planning is under way to improve connectivity through a portion of the planned Annie and Mary Trail. But more improvements are needed to Giuntoli Lane and other streets to make it a safe and comfortable environment for bicyclists and pedestrians. You can make your Street Story report here.

Why Does Everyone Bike in Copenhagen?
The simple answer: because they made it more convenient.

Cities Around the World Grapple With Car Problems
A good summary of recent efforts in major world cities.

Norway Takes Serious Steps Toward a Zero-Emission Port
Perhaps the North Coast should take note.

The Collector is CRTP’s weekly transportation news roundup, published every Friday. We focus on North Coast news, but we also include relevant state, national and international transportation news – plus other items that we just find kind of interesting! To submit items for consideration, email

Broadway, Town Center, Housing: A Very Busy Wednesday for Humboldt Transportation Planning

The Collector

November 8, 2019

Public Meeting Next Wednesday About Improving Broadway…
Details about the plans are sketchy so far, with public statements focused on making Broadway “easier to travel,” providing “additional transportation choices,” and “reducing congestion.” Will this mean adding to the nightmare with more lanes and more speeding cars, or making the corridor safe and comfortable enough for walking and biking that some people might actually want to do that?

…And About McKinleyville Town Center…
On the same night as the Broadway meeting, the McKinleyville Municipal Advisory Committee will hold its first official Town Center planning meeting. This will kick off the process of developing a county ordinance which could actually move the concept of a walkable town center from long-awaited dream to legal reality.

…And About Eureka Housing Element!
Also on Wednesday night, the City of Eureka Planning Commission will be holding a hearing on the city’s proposed General Plan Housing Element, a state-required document that guides the future location and amount of housing in the city. (Which of course helps determine where and how people travel.)

Changes Coming to Long-Distance Bus Service in Humboldt
A special guest post for CRTP provides the inside scoop on potential improvements to Amtrak-affiliated bus service on the North Coast.

Mobility-on-Demand Meetings Talk Transit – and Much More
At a series of meetings held by the Humboldt County Association of Governments on Thursday, attendees heard from consultants developing a “mobility-on-demand strategic development plan” for the county and provided input on priorities. The focus was on providing more convenient mobility for those with limited transportation access and bringing more riders into the existing bus system. The overall impact on the amount of driving in the county remains to be seen.

Weekly Street Story Update: Blue Lake Rancheria
People have been reporting hazards, collisions and near misses on and around the Blue Lake Rancheria. Reports are the first step to effective safety improvements! You can make your Street Story report here.

State Offering Money for “Clean Mobility”; Local Meeting Scheduled
A workshop is scheduled for November 22nd in Blue Lake to discuss a new state program that will offer grant money for “bikeshare, electric carshare, electric vanpool, and other zero-emissions shared mobility projects in disadvantaged and low-income communities around the state.”

State Officials Meet in Del Norte
The press from the meeting was all about Last Chance Grade – a critical project for the regional transportation system. But state transportation commissioners also heard about the long-running attempt by Caltrans and local officials to widen and straighten Highways 199 and 197 along the Smith River to allow interstate-sized trucks to drive that winding mountain route. And they heard from local critics (which includes CRTP) who oppose the project as an unsafe boondoggle.

State Task Force Looks at Speed Limits, Road Design
Will the long and winding road to change ever lead to slower, safer streets?

The Collector is CRTP’s weekly transportation news roundup, published every Friday. We focus on North Coast news, but we also include relevant state, national and international transportation news – plus other items that we just find kind of interesting! To submit items for consideration, email

Changes Coming to Long-Distance Bus Service in Humboldt

Guest Post for CRTP by John Webb

Editor’s Note: John Webb represents Humboldt County on the San Joaquin Joint Powers Authority Rail Committee. Wondering why Humboldt County has a representative on a Central Valley railroad agency? Read on!


The San Joaquin Joint Powers Authority (SJJPA) Rail Committee is a citizen advisory committee to the decision-making SJJPA Board. The SJJPA is the public agency responsible, in partnership with Amtrak and other agencies, for the operation and management of the Amtrak Thruway Buses that connect Humboldt County with the rest of California’s bus and train network.

The SJJPA Rail Committee met on November 1, 2019 and was given a two-hour briefing by SJJPA staff on the current status of SJJPA’s work to improve public transportation in California. #1 on the agenda was planning for the post-SB742 era.

SB742 is the recent legislation that, as of Jan 1, will allow SJJPA/Amtrak to sell tickets for local travel on its buses. Prior to the passage of SB742, Amtrak was not allowed to transport passengers who did not purchase a ticket for travel on an Amtrak train. According to SJJPA Manager of Regional Initiatives Dan Leavitt, all or most Amtrak Thruway Bus routes in the state will be affected.

Fortunately for North Coast residents, SJJPA views this as an opportunity, not a problem. If done the right way, new post-SB742 policies could improve bus service to the North Coast and simultaneously make the entire Thruway Bus system more financial stable.

The plan is to begin a phased implementation, starting on January 1, 2020. This is a new universe for SJJPA, and they want to start with routes that are easier to implement and gain experience before proceeding wholesale. The decision of which route would be first to allow local travel has not yet been made. However, Leavitt referred to the need to create a statewide bus/rail network. It is good that SJJPA is thinking of its bus system as more than simply feeders for the San Joaquin trains, but rather as a part of a system of integrated bus and rail travel. SJJPA should be commended for its holistic approach to this concept.

As Humboldt County’s representative on the Committee, I did my best to push for an overhaul of SJJPA’s Route 7 (Arcata to Martinez) that would not only provide for local travel (for instance local passengers would be allowed to buy tickets ride between, say, Garberville and Willits), but would also make that long trip from Humboldt County to the Bay Area easier and more comfortable. Paul Herman, SJJPA planner for Route 7, seemed to be impressed with the idea and said he would give it serious consideration.

Here’s what I put forward to SJJPA as a post-SB742 plan for Route 7:

Bay Area-bound passengers would be able to buy a single ticket and ride the Amtrak Thruway Bus to the new SMART train San Rosa Airport station. The SMART train would then take them to SMART’s San Rafael station where they would ride an Amtrak/Thruway Route between San Rafael and the Richmond Amtrak/Bart station. This would drastically reduce the number of miles paid to Preferred Coaches, the present charter bus operator of the route. Additionally, SJJPA would not be paying Preferred long deadhead miles to pick up passengers in Martinez, since Preferred is based in Santa Rosa.

There are some challenges, of course:

  • Implementation of thru ticketing arrangements with SMART.  SMART should be receptive since it brings them riders during the more lightly patronized mid-day travel times on their trains.
  • There will need to be some careful planning so as not to put the Thruway buses in competition with other transit agencies for local passengers. For instance, our local transit provider runs buses between Eureka and Garberville, two points also served by the Thruway buses. There are other similar situations in different areas of the state.
  • There is no Amtrak agent at Richmond to sell tickets and facilitate bus/train transfers (including baggage handling). However, based on my personal look around at the Richmond BART/Amtrak station yesterday there seems to be unused/unrented commercial space available at the station. It would seem that an argument could be made to Amtrak to provide an agent since this plan would bring significantly increased ridership to the station.

Some other items presented at the meeting:

There was discussion of the changes being brought to Central Valley rail travel by High Speed Rail. Leavitt cautioned that plans are sketchy at this point. but the thinking is that the San Joaquin trains would run from the Bay Area to Merced where passengers could transfer to a High Speed train for 45-minute ride to Bakersfield. SJJPA is planning on a Thruway bus route from Merced to San Jose. Also, there was discussion of expanded ACE (a commuter rail line between Stockton and San Jose) operations through the Altamont corridor.


If you live in Humboldt County, John represents you at the SJJPA. If you have ideas for him about the local Amtrak bus route, let him know! He can be reached at

State Officials Coming to Del Norte for Transportation Meeting

The Collector

November 1, 2019

Special Meeting About Arcata Plaza Next Week
The City Council will hold a “study session” with the Plaza Improvement Task Force on Monday. This is one of the last and best chances for the public to ask for a more pedestrian-friendly Plaza before official recommendations come to the Council in the next month or two.

Big Names in Del Norte for Transportation Commission Meeting
The California Transportation Commission will be holding a meeting in Crescent City next Wednesday. Participants will include Congressman Jared Huffman, State Senator Mike McGuire, and Assemblymember Jim Wood. There’s a morning tour of Last Chance Grade and parts of Highway 199, a 2pm town hall, and a “community meeting” about Last Chance Grade at 6pm.

Humboldt Mobility-on-Demand Meetings Next Week
Special public meetings to provide updates and get public input on the ongoing development of a local Mobility-on-Demand Strategic Plan will be held on Thursday in Eureka.

Eureka City Council to Consider Rolling Back Parking Restrictions
Some local businesses have complained about the two-hour restrictions in parts of downtown. The Council may remove them. Making free public car storage even easier should definitely be at the top of our local government agenda, right?

Public Workshops on County Law Mother-in-Law Unit Ordinance
Humboldt County’s proposed law on “accessory dwelling units” (ADUs) is the subject of several upcoming public workshops. ADUs are one of the easiest ways to add density to existing single-family neighborhoods – and thus improve walkability, bikability, and transit.

Weekly Street Story Update: Crashes & Near Misses
Research suggests that a location where near misses are reported is more likely to be the site of a future crash. Here, we highlight a relatively minor intersection in Arcata – LK Wood Blvd and Hiddencreek Rd – where two near misses have been reported in Street Story, but no crashes have yet been reported (nor are there any in the state’s official collision data). This is an example of the importance of Street Story reports – in places like this, they could allow officials to intervene with safety improvements before a crash occurs. You can make your Street Story report here.

Bicyclist and Pedestrian Deaths Increase Again
Overall traffic fatalities are down nationally, but the most vulnerable road users are hit and killed at alarming rates. Many officials continue to blame the victims.

Civility, Inclusiveness and Other Good Reasons to Walk
Walking: it’s not just for exercise and greenhouse gas reduction! Plus, walkable neighborhoods increase economic mobility for kids!

Auto Industry Divided Over Fuel Economy Rules
The Trump administration is trying to rescind California’s long-established authority to enforce stricter fuel economy standards than the federal government. While some big automakers are supporting California in the fight, another group just declared support for Trump.

The Collector is CRTP’s weekly transportation news roundup, published every Friday. We focus on North Coast news, but we also include relevant state, national and international transportation news – plus other items that we just find kind of interesting! To submit items for consideration, email

Housing Over Parking in Eureka?

The Collector

October 25, 2019

Housing Over Parking in Eureka?
The city is considering plans to replace some parking lots with new housing, and to leave some lots in place but build elevated housing on top. Here at CRTP, our priorities always put housing over parking.

Arcata Affordable Infill Housing Project Approved
At the Arcata Planning Commission meeting on Tuesday, Commissioners approved the Isackson’s affordable housing project at 7th & I Streets, just a block south of the Plaza. With limited parking and a number of bike, pedestrian and transit amenities, this may be the first truly non-car-oriented housing project in the area. At the same meeting, Commissioners considered the Creekside Homes mixed senior living/residential subdivision in the Foster Ave area and heard significant concerns from existing residents about how the proposed changes would affect bike and pedestrian safety. In the end, they forwarded the project to the City Council for consideration.

County Taking Comments on Parking Crater Plans
The initial environmental documents for the downtown Eureka parking crater – errr, that is, the “4th Street Property Acquisition and Development Project” – are now available and open for public comment.

Settlement Will Address Road Runoff
One of the many environmental impacts of roads is the runoff that ends up in local waterways, damaging aquatic life. A long-awaited settlement between Humboldt County and Friends of the Eel River will require some road fixes to address runoff concerns in two sensitive watersheds.

Another Crash on Broadway
Everyone’s favorite local car-maggedon roadway experiences another collision.

Latest Humboldt Bay Bike Commuters Newsletter Is Out
Find out more at their regular meeting next week.

Rails and Trails
The Timber Heritage Association still wants to save the rails around the Bay.

Weekly Street Story Update: Old Arcata Road
Multiple reports have identified long stretches of Bayside/Old Arcata Road/Samoa Blvd as hazardous areas. Some of these areas are already targeted for safety improvements. Will they make the difference? You can make your Street Story report here.

San Joaquin Valley Rail Committee Meets Next Week
What’s that have to do with us up here on the North Coast? Well, it turns out that our Amtrak bus connection is under their jurisdiction, and improvements to that service following signing of SB 742 may be up for discussion.

SUVs are Killing Climate Goals…
…and people.

The Collector is CRTP’s weekly transportation news roundup, published every Friday. We focus on North Coast news, but we also include relevant state, national and international transportation news – plus other items that we just find kind of interesting! To submit items for consideration, email

Governor Vetoes Complete Streets Bill

The Collector

October 18, 2019

Newsom Says No to Complete Streets
At the 11th hour, the governor vetoed SB 127, which would have required Caltrans to add bike, pedestrian and transit improvements when they did major maintenance or repair to state highways which function as local roads. Which, of course, many of them do on the North Coast. Newsom repeated previous Caltrans arguments against the bill, namely: (a) We’re already doing that, we swear! (b) It would add too much cost to projects. News flash: both of those things can’t be true. The fact is that Caltrans often ignores its supposed complete streets policies and is not moving nearly fast enough to retrofit state roads for active transportation – particularly in light of the joint safety and climate crisis facing the state and the globe.

Planning Commission Discusses Rezoning
Last night, the Humboldt County Planning Commission considered changes to the countywide zoning map intended to implement the 2017 General Plan update. CRTP is advocating for more mixed use zoning in McKinleyville. If there’s not a critical mass of mixed-use-zoned property, it’s unlikely the community will succeed in its goal of creating a walkable, pedestrian-oriented town center.

Unmet Transit Needs Hearings Continue
The annual process of soliciting public input on unmet transit needs in Humboldt County continued this week with hearings at the Board of Supervisors and Humboldt County Association of Governments Board meetings. It’s not too late to submit your input! There are hearings next week in Fortuna and Blue Lake and at the Humboldt Transit Authority offices in Eureka, and you can also submit comments in writing. Details here.

Task Force Continues Plaza Deliberations
The Arcata Plaza Improvement Task Force held its monthly meeting this week. The main item on the agenda was a discussion of how to “refine” the rankings of recommendations and implementation options, some of which seemed to not exactly match up. Whether or not the city will eventually pedestrianize any part of the Plaza is one of the key questions. On November 4th, the Task Force meets with the full City Council for a public study session.

Weekly Street Story Update
6th and 7th Streets are emerging as particular problem areas in Street Story reports from Eureka. Just in the short stretch from G to J Street, 5 collisions and 7 near misses have been reported so far. You can make your Street Story report here.

New Proposal for “Regional Express” Transit Service in Bay Area
Advocacy group TransForm released a proposal for an extensive bus rapid transit system in the San Francisco Bay Area this week, filling in gaps in the existing transit system with a high-frequency service relying on bus-only lanes for quick and reliable transportation.

Auto Emissions, Road by Road
The New York Times published an interactive map showing pinpoint emission locations. Highway 101 lights up the North Coast.

The Collector is CRTP’s weekly transportation news roundup, published every Friday. We focus on North Coast news, but we also include relevant state, national and international transportation news – plus other items that we just find kind of interesting! To submit items for consideration, email