Let’s Respond to COVID-19 by Making Streets Safer

The Collector

May 15, 2020

COVID-19 Response in the Streets
In an op-ed on the Lost Coast Outpost, CRTP Executive Director Colin Fiske calls for more protections for bicyclists and pedestrians – and local businesses – by making some changes to our local streets.

Eureka Mayor Talks Pedestrian Safety During the Pandemic
Mayor Susan Seaman notes that social distancing requirements are causing some people to walk in the street, and urges everyone to be careful. And she even plugs Street Story!

People Are Moving More Around Here
Getting restless, Humboldt? Just remember to follow public health guidelines if you’re going out.

Planning Commission Unanimously Approves New Manila Trail
Most residents are excited about the long-await bike/pedestrian improvements. But a couple of local gadflies just can’t stop gadding.

County Reports on McKinleyville Town Center Survey
At a (virtual) meeting this week, Humboldt County planning staff attempted to summarize the hundreds of responses they received to an online survey about the future Town Center. Here are some of the takeaways: People want a mixture of public open space, small businesses, and homes in the Town Center, and they want walkability and bikeability to be a primary focus.

Humboldt Virtual Trails Summit Scheduled
Mark your calendar!

Even More About E-bikes
Haven’t heard enough about e-bikes and the local e-bike rebate? Listen to the Eco News Report!

Weekly Street Story Update: Tell Your Story
1 new crash and 1 near miss have been reported in the last week on Street Story, both in Arcata. If you see or experience a hazard, near-miss or collision, make your Street Story report here.

Drama at the California Transportation Commission
Compared to years past, it was like living in another world to watch the Director of Caltrans appear before the Commission and passionately argue for more money to be set aside for active transportation projects. Though there was quite a bit of argument, the Commission did promise in the end to reserve $100 million out of one of its major funding programs. CRTP was one of the groups advocating for the reserve.

Transit Gets Another $15 Billion in New Democratic Proposal
But it’s not nearly enough. Advocates are asking for it to be doubled.

How COVID-19 Could Be An Opportunity to Make Our Cities Better
And how diseases of the past have shaped the communities we live in today.

The Problem Isn’t Density, It’s Crowding
Dense cities have plenty of space to deal with coronavirus safely – if they take back some of the real estate from cars.

The Collector is CRTP’s weekly transportation news roundup, published every Friday. We focus on North Coast news, but we also include relevant state, national and international transportation news – plus other items that we just find kind of interesting! To submit items for consideration, email colin@transportationpriorities.org.

E-Bike Rebates Are Going Fast

The Collector

May 8, 2020

Committee Members Silent on COVID Response Measures
After hearing a report from staff and from CRTP’s Executive Director on important measures local governments can take to address bike and pedestrian safety during the pandemic, members of the Humboldt County Association of Government’s Technical Advisory Committee had nothing to say. We hope that’s because they’re already planning appropriate actions, but if so, we haven’t heard about them. Meanwhile, mobility-on-demand proposals to modify the Redwood Transit System and the local bike-sharing system did receive some feedback – and general support – from the committee.

E-Bike Rebates Are Going Fast
According to a newsletter sent out this week by the Redwood Coast Energy Authority, over half of the funding set aside for $500 individual e-bike rebates has already been claimed. So expect to see a lot more e-bikes on the streets soon! We’re hoping this high level of demand will prompt more rebate funding in the future. But if you’re planning to buy an e-bike and get the rebate, you might not want to wait.

County to Present Town Center Survey Responses
Next Wednesday the Humboldt County Planning Department will present a summary of responses to an online survey about the future McKinleyville Town Center. It’s unclear if public workshops to collect further input on planning, zoning and regulations – which were in full swing before the pandemic locked us all down – will continue soon as well. You can attend next week’s meeting, watch the presentation, and comment…on Zoom, of course!

Del Norte Applying for Electric Bus Funding
On the consent agenda for this week’s Del Norte Local Transportation Commission meeting was an authorization to apply for state funding to purchase a zero-emission electric bus for the local transit system. With the Humboldt Transit Authority already running one electric bus and planning for a full transition, it looks like electric transit is spreading quickly on the North Coast!

It’s Still Bike Month!
Whatever is going on in the world around us, the bicycle is still an amazing, practical and fun way to get around. Just remember to practice safe physical distancing.

Weekly Street Story Update: Tell Your Story
Reviewing the 600+ reports made on the Street Story platform so far on the North Coast is a stark reminder that there are lots of places with unsafe conditions for bicyclists and pedestrians even in the best of times. Obviously, these are not the best of times, and the mandate to stay at least 6 feet away from other walkers and bicyclists has exacerbated problems in many areas. If you’re experiencing special problems on the street as a result of the pandemic, please reach out and let us know. And as always, if you see or experience a hazard, near-miss or collision, make your Street Story report here.

A Bold Proposal to Rescue Restaurants
When they re-open, restaurants will need more space to serve customers with appropriate 6-foot spacing. But most of them have plenty of space…in their parking lots or adjacent on-street parking.

What’s the Best Way to Get Those Groceries?
The environmental impact of the food supply chain depends a lot on how you get yourself to the grocery store and back (or if Jeff Bezos delivers them to your home).

The Collector is CRTP’s weekly transportation news roundup, published every Friday. We focus on North Coast news, but we also include relevant state, national and international transportation news – plus other items that we just find kind of interesting! To submit items for consideration, email colin@transportationpriorities.org.

Local Agencies Considering COVID-19 Responses for Walking, Biking

The Collector

May 1, 2020

Arcata Council Members Support COVID Response Measures for Pedestrians
At a special meeting on the ongoing COVID-19 crisis this week, the majority of Arcata City Councilmembers said that they supported two measures proposed by CRTP: (1) reprogramming traffic signals on Samoa Blvd so that walkers don’t have to press a button to cross the street; (2) creating temporary sidewalk extensions on G & H Streets to allow for social distancing while walking. Hopefully we’ll see some progress soon!

Committee to Consider COVID Response Measures, Mobility-on-Demand Strategies
In a packed meeting next Thursday, the Humboldt County Association of Government’s Technical Adivsory Committee will consider several important topics, including temporary COVID response measures for bikes and pedestrians and proposed mobility-on-demand pilot projects: (a) shortening the Redwood Transit System route, increasing its frequency, and replacing lost connections with on-demand services; (b) dramatically expanding the county’s bike sharing infrastructure.

Bike Month Starts Today
Group rides are out, but individual rides are still encouraged!

County Ordinance on Second Units to Get Hearing Next Week
Humboldt’s proposed Accessory Dwelling Units Ordinance will be considered by the County Planning Commission next Thursday. ADUs are often considered a key method for increasing density (and thus potentially walkability and bikeability) of single-family residential neighborhoods. But not if they’re being built way out in the woods!

Pandemic Doesn’t Stop Work to Shore Up Last Chance Grade
Ongoing construction will close the highway overnight several times in May. And this is just to keep the existing road from collapsing. An alternate route is still many years in the future.

Just How Much Are We Staying At Home?
The Times-Standard reports on Facebook and Google data that suggest Humboldt County residents are staying home either 22% or 12% more than the pandemic, respectively. Another source of cell phone data indicates that we’re staying home 25-40% more. There’s a pretty big difference between 12% and 40%, which is a good reminder that even in these times of ubiquitous technological tracking, accurate transportation data can be hard to come by.

Weekly Street Story Update: Stay Safe Out There
Two more near misses for pedestrians and 3 more hazardous locations were reported this week in the Humboldt Bay area. If you see or experience something dangerous while traveling for essential reasons or for recreation, please make your Street Story report here.

Active Transportation is Good for You in a Pandemic
And the rest of the time, too.

…So Here’s What You Can Do to Support It Right Now!
Some good ideas from Alta Planning.

Why Aren’t We Seeing Even Lower Carbon Emissions in the Lockdown Era?
Most transportation hasn’t actually stopped, for one thing. And, as important as transportation is, it’s far from the only source of greenhouse gas emissions.

The Collector is CRTP’s weekly transportation news roundup, published every Friday. We focus on North Coast news, but we also include relevant state, national and international transportation news – plus other items that we just find kind of interesting! To submit items for consideration, email colin@transportationpriorities.org.

Local E-Bike Rebate is Now Available in Humboldt!

The Collector

April 24, 2020

May is Still Bike Month!
While most of the events traditionally associated with Bike Month have been canceled or delayed, the Humboldt Bike Month Coalition is still supporting a Bike Month Challenge during May. So get out there and ride (while taking the proper health and safety precautions, of course)!

Transit Authority Scales Back Bus Schedule
The Humboldt Transit Authority has moved to a Saturday schedule every day (except Sunday) and is mandating masks along with the rest of the county. Travel is still fare free, and staff are still taking extraordinary measures to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.

Local E-Bike Rebate is Live!
E-bikes can help extend your biking range and flatten our steepest hills. Now, until funding runs out, if you buy an e-bike in Humboldt County, you can get a $500 rebate from the Redwood Coast Energy Authority. All the details are now posted on the RCEA site.

Want to Audit Your Neighborhood’s Walkability?
If you’ve been walking around your neighborhood more lately, and you’ve noticed some areas where the pedestrian infrastructure is lacking, you’re not alone. If you want to do a formal walk audit for your block or your neighborhood, CRTP has created a Google form that can help. Get in touch with us for more information on how to do a systematic assessment. And as always, don’t forget to report any hazards, near misses or collisions on Street Story.

Caltrans Regional Active Transportation Planning Under Way
The Del Norte Local Transportation Commission’s Technical Advisory Committee will hear a presentation next week on Caltrans District 1 efforts to develop an active transportation plan for the state highway system on the North Coast. Humboldt County has already convened an ad hoc committee (on which CRTP serves) to help develop the plan here.

Lessons from the Pandemic
Local climate activist Martha Walden ponders what we can learn from the pandemic and the world’s response to it.

Arcata Designates One-Way Trails at the Marsh
It’s a sensible way to encourage social distancing while walking on narrow trails. Of course, not everyone can walk at the Marsh. So another step would be temporarily widening narrow sidewalks around town, or closing low-volume residential streets to through-traffic and designating pedestrian priority.

Fortuna Interchange Redesign a Step Closer to Completion
The project will include some much-needed bike and pedestrian upgrades.

Traffic Violence Injuries Down 40% During Stay-at-Home Era
A new study suggests a 50% decline in traffic collisions and a 40% decline in traffic-related hospitalizations in California. If dollars are your thing, that’s a $40 million savings to the state’s economy every day.

Weekly Street Story Update: Stay Safe Out There
Another near miss for a bicyclist was reported this week in the Humboldt Bay area. If you see or experience something dangerous while traveling for essential reasons or for recreation, please make your Street Story report here.

Bailout Conditions Require Airline to Fly Empty Planes
“Ghost planes.” Just what we needed.

Don’t Be So Quick to Blame the Subway
Public transit, like any form of transportation, should only be used for essential travel right now, and social distancing has to be respected at all times. But it’s unlikely that New York’s subways were the central factor in spreading the coronavirus there, as many traditionally anti-transit voices are claiming.

Tactical Urbanism Is On the Rise
In cities around the world, residents frustrated with the inability to use sidewalks and bike lanes while maintaining proper social distance are taking matters into their own hands by reclaiming streets on an unofficial, ad hoc basis. New Zealand, meanwhile, has become the first country to officially sanction and fund these kinds of efforts on a nationwide basis.

No, Gas Taxes Don’t Pay for Your Roads
They haven’t produced enough revenue to cover construction, maintenance and repair costs for years. But we still act like they do.

“If Everyone Drives a Car, There is No Space for People”
Milan has an ambitious plan to re-prioritize street space when it opens up after the pandemic.

The Collector is CRTP’s weekly transportation news roundup, published every Friday. We focus on North Coast news, but we also include relevant state, national and international transportation news – plus other items that we just find kind of interesting! To submit items for consideration, email colin@transportationpriorities.org.

Humboldt Airports Collect Their Share of Air Industry Bailout

The Collector

April 17, 2020

Local E-Bike Rebate Set to Roll Out
At its Community Advisory Committee meeting this week, Redwood Coast Energy Authority staff revealed that a new $500 rebate for purchasing an electric bike will become available to Humboldt County residents next week! RCEA will release more details soon. (Full disclosure: CRTP Executive Director Colin Fiske serves on the Community Advisory Committee, and CRTP was one of the organizations which originally proposed an e-bike rebate to RCEA.)

Airports & Airlines Get Huge COVID-19 Bailouts
Humboldt County airports are getting $18 million out of a national pot of $10 billion for airports. At the same time, airlines are getting an additional $60 billion in bailout funds. That’s a total of $70 billion for air travel, compared to $25 billion for transit. Meanwhile, transit agencies carry about 10 times more passengers than airlines in the US in a normal year (10 billion passengers vs. 1 billion for airlines – about a quarter of which is international travel). In other words, airlines are getting a much bigger subsidy – both in total and per passenger – than transit, despite the fact that they are much less needed for essential transportation, much less efficient at moving people, and much more environmentally damaging. So what do the airlines have going for them that transit agencies don’t? They’re big private companies with deep pockets and well-connected lobbyists, of course!

Local Bike News Updates!
The latest edition of Wheel People, the newsletter of the Humboldt Bay Bicycle Commuters Association, is now available.

Weekly Street Story Update: Near Misses During Shelter-in-Place
Four near misses for people walking and biking have been reported between Eureka and McKinleyville since the county’s shelter-in-place order was issued on March 20. If you see or experience something dangerous while traveling for essential reasons or for recreation, please make your Street Story report here.

Damn the Pandemic, Full Speed Ahead
So say the Army Corps of Engineers dredges in Humboldt Bay, apparently.

Bike Safe in the COVID-19 Era
Check out the helpful tips from CalBike.

Amazon, Climate and COVID
The fact that orders to stay at home have led to a massive increase in online shopping highlights an interesting fact: Although transportation systems are traditionally divided into those that move freight and those that move people, in reality lots of personal transportation is actually just the “last mile” of the freight transportation system (i.e., getting your groceries or other goods from the store to your home). With that realization, it becomes obvious that anyone who cares about transportation should be concerned about policies and practices at Amazon.

Open Streets Gaining Momentum During the Pandemic
More and more cities are realizing that sidewalks and bike lanes don’t provide enough space for social distancing (or even for normal walking and biking in many cases).

How to Rebuild the Right Way
Smart Growth America sharpens its focus on future stimulus legislation with a report on what went wrong with the 2009 stimulus package and how to do it right this time. (Hint: don’t build a bunch of new highways.)

Transit is Essential Because People Who Ride It Are Essential
A new report finds that over a third of regular transit riders work in jobs classified as essential.

Shifting Transportation Policy Goals from Speed to Access
That’s the goal of two new bills filed in Congress.

The Collector is CRTP’s weekly transportation news roundup, published every Friday. We focus on North Coast news, but we also include relevant state, national and international transportation news – plus other items that we just find kind of interesting! To submit items for consideration, email colin@transportationpriorities.org.

Oakland Opening 74 Miles of Streets to Walking and Biking

The Collector

April 10, 2020

Local FedEx Drivers Worry About Safety and Spreading the Virus
More people staying at home leads to more package deliveries.

Oakland Opening 74 Miles of Streets to Walking and Biking
The streets will still allow car access for local residents, but will be “slowed” to allow safe use for bicyclists and pedestrians practicing safe social distancing. This is an easy and practical model for local communities on the North Coast to follow.

Loose Cows!
We thought you might appreciate some slightly less serious transportation related news for a moment. But really, if you’re on Highway 101 south of McKinleyville, watch out.

Less Driving Doesn’t Necessarily Mean Fewer Deaths
Drivers are speeding up in many places, leading to a disproportionate number of fatal crashes. Local data are not yet available.

Weekly Street Story Update: Stay Safe Out There
Ironically, while sheltering in place, more of us are walking and biking than ever before. Thankfully, car traffic is down, making the streets generally safer. But if you see or experience something dangerous, please make your Street Story report here.

Cities Continue Adapting to the Pandemic
The National Association of City Transportation Officials is maintaining a list of actions cities across the country – and a few internationally – are taking to support needed transportation system changes in a time of social distancing.

Stay-at-Home Is Just the Beginning of the Crisis for Transit Agencies
Funding sources for many agencies will likely crash along with the economy, and future ridership is a big unknown.

Testing of Driverless Cars Continues in Bay Area
A second company has been approved to put them on the road.

League of American Bicyclists Announces that May is Still Bike Month
Biking is still important during a pandemic!

Will Pattern of Reduced Commute Miles Stick Around After the Pandemic?
This could be “the end of work as we know it,” or just a temporary pause followed by an explosion of new driving when the economy recovers.

The Collector is CRTP’s weekly transportation news roundup, published every Friday. We focus on North Coast news, but we also include relevant state, national and international transportation news – plus other items that we just find kind of interesting! To submit items for consideration, email colin@transportationpriorities.org.

Adapting Humboldt’s Transportation Systems to the Pandemic

The Collector

April 3, 2020

Bike Repair is an Essential Service!
As reported by our friends at CalBike, the US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has now declared that bike maintenance and repair are essential services. Since the California stay-at-home order relies on DHS definitions, this means that bike repair and maintenance workers in the state can keep doing their critical work during the crisis. Locally, the revised Humboldt County shelter-in-place order does not specifically mention bike repair or bike shops – despite requests from CRTP and others – but we know that at least some local shops are still open and doing repairs.

Adapting Our Local Systems to the Pandemic
The National Association of City Transportation Officials is maintaining a great set of tools for local governments to adapt their transportation systems to the COVID-19 era. CRTP recommends that our local governments consider many of these tools, especially the use of traffic cones to create temporary protected bike lanes/sidewalk extensions in certain locations to allow more social distancing for people on foot and on bikes where the existing infrastructure isn’t sufficient. We’re also asking Arcata and Eureka, which have pedestrian “beg buttons” – intersections where you won’t get a walk signal without pressing a button – to reprogram traffic signals to give automatic pedestrian signals in order to reduce the repeated touching of common surfaces. If you have specific transportation-related recommendations for adapting to the pandemic, please send us an email.

National Fuel Economy Roll-Back Finalized by Trump Administration
Despite the pandemic putting many public processes on hold, the administration’s war on environmental regulations seems to have only intensified. Check out the related Action Alert put out by our friends at EPIC here.

Travel Is Down in Humboldt
But not as much as you might think. One company, using cell phone data, estimates that overall travel in the county is down only about 40% since the start of the pandemic. On the other hand, they say non-essential trips are down more than 70%.

Arcata Adopts New Stop Sign Installation Standards
The city will now consider multiple factors – including high bike and pedestrian activity – when considering whether to install a new stop sign. Previously, the decision was based almost entirely on traffic volumes.

Parking Lots May Get Put to a New Use
The Times-Standard reports that unused parking lots at churches and other locations in Arcata may soon see city-sanctioned tent encampments to help support and stabilize the homeless population during the pandemic.

Kinetic Grand Championship Race Canceled
The region’s premier art-and-active-transportation event is another victim of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Car-Culture Restaurant Opening Delayed
The new drive-through on Broadway won’t be opening soon after all.

Last Chance Grade Geotechnical Study Move Forward
The environmental documentation for the study has been finalized – but this is all just a prelude to the environmental documentation for the final project, which will take years to complete.

Weekly Street Story Update: Stay Safe Out There
Ironically, while sheltering in place, more of us are walking and biking than ever before. Thankfully, car traffic is down, making the streets generally safer. But if you see or experience something dangerous, please make your Street Story report here.

Transit Got Some Funding in Stimulus Package; What Now?
Transit agencies will need a lot more support before this is over. TransForm has put out a set of bold but practical recommendations for policymakers in California to rescue transit in our state.

Recommendations for the Next Stimulus Package
Negotiations are already under way for future stimulus packages in Washington, DC, and reports indicate that the next legislation might focus on infrastructure. Smart Growth America has a set of recommendations to make sure that we focus those dollars where they will actually help, rather than contributing to more sprawl and more driving.

The Collector is CRTP’s weekly transportation news roundup, published every Friday. We focus on North Coast news, but we also include relevant state, national and international transportation news – plus other items that we just find kind of interesting! To submit items for consideration, email colin@transportationpriorities.org.

Humboldt Transit, Heroically, Keeps on Busing

The Collector

March 27, 2020

CRTP and Partners Submit Letter About Broadway Improvements
Addressing the current planning effort for the corridor, the letter calls for specific, immediate improvements for pedestrians, bikes and transit to tackle the safety crisis on Broadway.

Humboldt Transit, Heroically, Keeps on Busing
All Humboldt Transit Authority buses – including Redwood Transit, Eureka Transit, Willow Creek and intercity services – continue to run on their normal schedule. To protect passengers, frequent cleaning and social distancing are in force. To protect drivers, passengers enter the rear door of the bus and skip the fare box. HTA deserves high praise for keeping this essential service running for free, while still looking out for the well-being of drivers and riders. The Arcata-Mad River Transit System is also still running, although on a reduced schedule.

Transit Gets $25 Billion in Stimulus Package
The fight isn’t over yet, but it appears that the $2 trillion legislation will include a significant amount to rescue beleaguered transit agencies around the country. This money wasn’t on the table initially, so if you called your representatives and said something, go ahead and pat yourself on the back.

Tell the State that Bike Shops Are Essential
Our friends at Calbike are calling on the state to designate bike repair as an essential service, in recognition of the fact that many people rely on bikes for essential travel. As we reported last week, car repair shops and gas stations have been considered essential, but bike shops generally have not (except in San Francisco).

Zagster Suspends All Rentals
Although it appears that no local announcements have been made, Zagster’s corporate website has a statement dated Thusday, March 26, that all bike rentals have been suspended as a result of the pandemic. Previously, they had been advising users to disinfect bikes before and after use.

Creekside Homes Project to Be Considered by Council Next Week
The big development with both single-family homes and senior housing is currently scheduled to be considered by the Arcata City Council at its (virtual) meeting next Wednesday. You can read CRTP’s comments on the project here.

Airport Spreads Virus, Stays Open
Please don’t fly anywhere unless you really need to.

Weekly Street Story Update: Yield to Bikes in Cutten
This report will sound familiar to many bicyclists: “Drivers rarely make complete stops at this 3-way, regardless of cyclists right-of-way…. constant problem.” Are you encountering street hazards, near misses, or collisions as you walk or bike for your shelter-in-place exercise, or as you make your way to an essential service job? You can make your own Street Story report here.

State Parks Close to Vehicles to Enforce Social Distancing
But you can still walk or bike there! Following all local rules, of course, and staying 6 feet apart.

Will the Pandemic Set Back the Electric Vehicle Revolution?
EV sales have dropped far more quickly than sales of gas-guzzlers.

Congress Clashes Over Bailouts for Dirty Transportation
Airlines and cruise ships are known as mega-polluters. Will there be any strings attached to federal rescue funds? The answer is not yet clear.

Packages Aren’t Teleported to Your Door
The impacts of ramping up online shopping through Amazon and other behemoths are felt acutely by marginalized communities near shipping and distribution hubs.

The Collector is CRTP’s weekly transportation news roundup, published every Friday. We focus on North Coast news, but we also include relevant state, national and international transportation news – plus other items that we just find kind of interesting! To submit items for consideration, email colin@transportationpriorities.org.

Walking, Biking and Transit in the Time of COVID-19

The Collector

March 20, 2020

Editor’s Note: Here at CRTP, we’re sheltering in place as ordered by local public health officials. But we know that the transportation system remains critical for the continued functioning of essential services, and we will continue to advocate for responsible transportation priorities as best we can from the isolation of our own homes. Thanks for your continued support, and stay healthy!

What Does “Shelter in Place” Mean for Active Transportation?
Humboldt County’s Shelter in Place Order allows only “Essential Travel.” To support Essential Travel, businesses providing needed transportation services are allowed to remain open. The order specifies that this includes gas stations and auto repair shops, but says nothing about bike repair. CRTP and others have asked the county to address this oversight, as San Francisco did, to reflect the reality that lots of people need to rely on bikes for Essential Travel. So far, no changes to the order have been reported. However, outfitting stores – some of which also provide bike repair services – will remain open.

Additionally, it’s unclear how the statewide “Stay at Home” order may affect support for travel by bike or by foot. The governor stated publicly that outdoor recreation (as opposed to transportation) is allowed as long as social distancing guidelines are followed. But the key transportation modes identified by the Department of Homeland Security, on which the state order relies to identify “Essential Critical Infrastructure,” do not include walking or biking.

How the Pandemic is Affecting Public Transit
Public transit is an essential service, and systems remain operating in Humboldt and around the country. Ridership has dropped precipitously, however, and transit agencies will need significant public support to get through this intact. Yet the Senate is proposing billions to bail out the private airline industry and not a single cent for public transit.

Practically Every Public Meeting Has Been Canceled…
…including many which would have addressed important transportation topics. But you probably knew that already.

COVID-19, Telework, and Vehicle Miles Traveled
EPIC Executive Director and CRTP Board Member Tom Wheeler extols the virtues of telework – including reducing vehicle miles traveled – in a Times-Standard op-ed.

HSU Provides Free Bus Rides to Students Returning Home
Buses will go to San Francisco and Los Angeles.

COVID Can’t Stop Car-Culture Restaurant
The new Broadway drive-thru is still on track.

Measure Z Funds are Shrinking
The sales tax measure has regularly provided funds for local road repairs. Future revenues are uncertain – now more than ever.

Weekly Street Story Update: Another Milestone
Even as non-essential transportation has ground to a halt, people are still reporting hazards, near-misses and crashes on Street Story. In fact, we’ve now hit 600 reports in Humboldt County. You can make your own Street Story report here.

CalBike Advocates for the “Dutch Reach”
A simple driver-training measure could save the lives of many bicyclists.

A Green New Deal for Transportation
A new report investigates how changing development patterns and mode shift can help address the climate crisis.

New Yorkers Switch to Bikes for Social Distancing
The bad news: a lot of them are doing it to avoid public transit.

Big Data Poised to Dramatically Change Transportation Systems
Is that good or bad? That depends on who you ask.

The Collector is CRTP’s weekly transportation news roundup, published every Friday. We focus on North Coast news, but we also include relevant state, national and international transportation news – plus other items that we just find kind of interesting! To submit items for consideration, email colin@transportationpriorities.org.

Free Transit Tuesdays Coming to Humboldt!

The Collector

March 13, 2020

Free Transit Tuesdays Coming to Humboldt!
Every Tuesday from April 7 – June 29, Redwood Transit, Eureka Transit, Southern Humboldt and Willow Creek buses will be free! If you haven’t tried local transit in a while – or ever – this is your chance to give it a try. Here at CRTP, we love it!

Ornelas Resigns, Leaving Plaza Changes in Question
Susan Ornelas recently cast the deciding vote on the Arcata City Council for pursuing partial pedestrianization of the Plaza. She was also just appointed to a Council sub-committee to receive input from businesses (and possibly other stakeholders) on trial closures of 8th Street on the Plaza. Until someone is appointed or elected to fill her seat, the Council now appears to be evenly split between members supporting and opposed to pedestrianization. Some decisions could be made at next week’s Council meeting – unless it’s canceled due to COVID-19.

McKinleyville Town Center Discussion Continues
This week’s meeting again featured talk of form-based codes, road diets, and walkability. Nothing has been decided, but at least good modern land use and transportation planning practices are on the table!

Weekly Street Story Update: Broadway
We know we’ve featured Broadway here before. But it’s such a hazard for bicyclists and pedestrians that it merits returning to it from time to time. And as the City of Eureka and Caltrans explore possible changes to the corridor, we’d like to remind them: lots of people have made informative reports on Street Story! You can make your own Street Story report here.

Coronavirus Is Reducing Transportation Emissions
But it’s also making people scared to ride public transit, despite evidence that transit probably isn’t a major contributor to outbreaks.

New Federal Bill Supports Walkable, Transit-Oriented Development
And it’s bipartisan! Wonders never cease.

Media Coverage Affects Public Perception of Collisions
Victim blaming, ignoring history and context, absolving the driver – it’s not news to us. But it’s a good reminder to be careful about how we write and talk about street safety.

Suburban Malls Try to Become Real Town Centers
Could this become a trend?

The Collector is CRTP’s weekly transportation news roundup, published every Friday. We focus on North Coast news, but we also include relevant state, national and international transportation news – plus other items that we just find kind of interesting! To submit items for consideration, email colin@transportationpriorities.org.