Future Uncertain for Regional Climate Action Plan

The Collector

September 29, 2023

Future Uncertain for Regional Climate Action Plan
If you saw CRTP’s action alert earlier this week, you know that Humboldt County staff are promoting a new idea for the stalled regional climate action plan: take credit for past emissions reductions that local governments had nothing to do with. Staff are claiming this is the only way forward, and that they really do still want to reduce climate pollution. But the reality is that this accounting trick just reduces the pressure to do the hard work that’s really needed to tackle the climate crisis, including reducing the amount of driving that local residents do. We will keep fighting to ensure that the county and local cities adopt a regional climate action plan that truly meets the urgency and scale of the challenge.

Progress on Arcata Gateway Plan and McKinleyville Town Center
Two major, long-running planning efforts, which are also top priorities for CRTP, took big steps forward this week.

On Tuesday, Arcata city councilmembers expressed unanimous support for the building height limits recommended by the city’s planning commission for the Gateway Area Plan. Those height limits vary by sub-district within the Gateway area and range from four to seven stories. These increased height limits are key to the plan’s efforts to produce walkable, car-optional housing, and have been one of the major sticking points for opponents of the plan. So this week’s unofficial “straw poll” showing unanimous support by the council represents a big step forward. If you see Mayor Sarah Schaefer, Vice Mayor Meredith Matthews, or Councilmember Kimberley White around town, please thank them for their support of the new height limits.

Then on Wednesday, at the McKinleyville Municipal Advisory Committee meeting, committee members wrapped up their review of the draft Town Center ordinance after three years of meetings (although it will probably return to them again later). Although the committee did not formally endorse a much-needed lane reduction on Central Avenue, they did unanimously agree to recommend some form of significant traffic calming on the thoroughfare. They also reaffirmed their recommendation to remove costly parking mandates, establish a maximum of one parking space per unit for residential development, and require most parking to be shared for greater efficiency. We can’t overstate how significant a change this all represents for McKinleyville (and Humboldt County as a whole), and none of it would have happened without the advocacy of CRTP and our many members and supports – so thank you!

More Hazards and Tragedies for Local Pedestrians
Tri-County Independent Living, a local group serving people with disabilities, is raising the alarm about the dangers its clients face trying to cross 4th and 5th Streets (Highway 101) to get to its office in Eureka. CRTP regularly works with Tri-County Independent Living on issues around transit and pedestrian safety, and we strongly support their efforts to get Caltrans to implement safe crossing improvements in Eureka.

The danger to pedestrians in our region is all too real. Just last week, we reported on one fatal pedestrian collision and another serious injury crash. Afterward, we learned about yet another crash seriously injuring a pedestrian, this time in Arcata. And this week, 52-year-old Isidro Gali was struck and killed by a driver on Broadway in Eureka.

The details and circumstances differ among all these near-misses and crashes, and there’s a lot we don’t know yet. But there is at least one commonality we can already see: they are all on streets and highways which allow or even encourage drivers to go fast. Higher speeds increase the chances of a crash, and increase the chances that a crash will be deadly if it occurs. That’s why CRTP will continue to fight so hard for changes to streets that decrease traffic speeds and increase safety for everybody.

Last Chance for a Bus Adventure to Blue Lake
Next Monday, 350 Humboldt will host its next Bus Adventure. Participants will catch the Blue Lake Rancheria Transit Service bus in Arcata around 1:30 pm and ride out to Blue Lake for a tour of the Rancheria’s sustainability programs. Email Bus Adventure coordinator Cathy Chandler-Klein at cathyck@sbcglobal.net for more information and to let her know you’re coming.

Unfortunately, this Bus Adventure will take one of the very last rides on the Rancheria’s transit service! We have confirmed that Monday will be the service’s last day in operation, apparently due to the financial strain it has put on the Rancheria to operate it. We hope that other local agencies will step up to work with the Rancheria and revive transit service to Blue Lake in the near future.

New Committee Formed to Fight Anti-Housing, Pro-Parking Lot Initiative
As we’ve reported before, Rob Arkley is meddling in Eureka politics again, trying to stop walkable housing construction and a downtown transit hub. Now Eurekans are organizing to fight back.

Local Leaders Sign Up for Next Week’s National Week Without Driving
The first National Week Without Driving starts on Monday, and 23 local residents – including 8 elected officials and a number of planners and community leaders – have signed the pledge to participate. This is an important opportunity for decision-makers to get first-hand insights into what it’s like to live in our communities for the many people who can’t drive because of age, disability, income or other reasons. If you haven’t signed yet, it’s not too late! Click here to sign up today.

Street Story: A Simple Way to Contribute to the Fight for Safe Streets
Reports on Street Story only take a few minutes, and they give CRTP and local government agencies better information about the need for safety improvements. So don’t forget to make a report every time you experience a near-miss, a crash, or a hazardous location. La versión de Street Story en español está disponible aquí. 

News from Beyond the North Coast

Many Transportation Bills Await Governor’s Signature
Check out CalBike’s helpful recap, which also has opportunities to contact the governor and ask for him to sign key bills. While you’re on CalBike’s site, you should also consider emailing Caltrans to tell them that they can’t just exempt freeway interchanges from bike and pedestrian safety guidelines.

New Report: Despite Efforts, Californians Keep Driving More
One of the main reasons is that, even though funding programs are now mostly supposed to be supporting “multimodal” and safety infrastructure, Caltrans and other agencies still keep building more lanes for cars and trucks.

Tires Are an Enormous, Formerly Unrecognized Source of Pollution
Car tires shed a trillion tiny particles for every kilometer driven. Many of those end up in the air, making tires a bigger source of health-harming particulate pollution than exhaust pipes in many areas. Other particles end up in the water, killing fish and making up 78% of microplastics in the oceans, according to one estimate. Electric cars produce even more tire pollution than gas-powered vehicles, which is another reminder that we can’t solve the massive problems produced by our car culture just by shifting the power source.

The Collector is CRTP’s weekly transportation news roundup, published every Friday. We focus on North Coast news, but we also include relevant state, national and international transportation news – plus other items that we just find kind of interesting! To submit items for consideration, email colin@transportationpriorities.org.

Drivers Hit Two More People Walking in Humboldt

The Collector

September 22, 2023

Drivers Hit Two More People Walking in Humboldt
A visitor to Richardson Grove State Park was killed by a driver this week after emerging from a trail onto the side of Highway 101. We also learned this week that 27-year-old Ashley Hipol was seriously injured after being hit by a driver last week while walking on Highway 101 in Fortuna. The collision involving Hipol happened a little over a week after the crash on Cal Poly Humboldt’s campus that left student Madelyn Vink in intensive care.

In the Richardson Grove case, police chased and then arrested the intoxicated driver. In the other cases, however, officials seemed more interested in defending the drivers than in the safety of pedestrians. Despite the fact that the driver in Hipol’s case left the scene – a hit-and-run felony – the Highway Patrol spokesperson declared preemptively that the driver might not have known they hit someone. And despite admitting to not having a full statement from the Hipol, and without acknowledging that the crash happened in a location where there are few if any alternative travel routes, the spokesperson still took the opportunity to publicly lecture pedestrians about walking on the highway. In Vink’s case, the victim’s mother says that the University Police Department refused to even provide the name of the driver (so her family could contact their insurer) until the family hired a lawyer. It is a sad but common situation for police officers and other public officials to identify and empathize more with drivers who hit people walking or biking than with the victims themselves.

The families of both Hipol and Vink are asking for donations to help cover their expenses in the aftermath of these crashes. You can donate to support Hipol’s family here, and to support Vink’s family here.

Two More Gateway Plan Meetings Next Week
The City of Arcata will hold a “Gateway Housing Open House” next Monday from 4-6 pm, where attendees can learn about and provide input on the proposed Gateway Zoning Code. More information is available here.

But if you’re only going to attend one Gateway-related meeting next week (yep, there are two of them!), we’d recommend going to Tuesday’s City Council-Planning Commission study session. The Council is likely to take “straw votes” at that meeting on key topics including building height and density. As we’ve pointed out many times before, research shows that we need higher density development (and thus somewhat taller buildings) to allow more people to choose to walk, bike or ride the bus instead of driving. Some decision-makers don’t seem to have received this message yet, so it’s a good idea to show up and remind them if you can.

McKinleyville Committee on the Verge of Key Decisions for Town Center?
Next Wednesday, the McKinleyville Municipal Advisory Committee will continue (and maybe even finish) reviewing the draft Town Center ordinance. Thanks to years of education and advocacy from CRTP and our supporters, Committee members now unanimously support eliminating costly parking mandates in the Town Center. At next week’s meeting, they may even discuss imposing parking maximums and other more ambitious parking management policies that prioritize car-free transportation. It’s possible they will also finally vote to support a lane reduction and safety redesign for Central Avenue, another top priority for transportation advocates like CRTP.

Also at Wednesday’s meeting, the Committee will discuss the recently completed McKinleyville Multimodal Connections Project and consider next steps for improving safe bike and pedestrian access throughout the community.

What Can We Learn From a Week Without Driving?
Running October 2-8, 2023, the first National Week Without Driving is an important opportunity for decision-makers to get first-hand insights into what it’s like to live in our communities for the many people who can’t drive because of age, disability, income or other reasons. Thanks to the community leaders, elected officials, planners and engineers who have already taken CRTP’s pledge to participate. If you haven’t yet, please click here to sign up today.

Street Story: A Simple Way to Contribute to the Fight for Safe Streets
Reports on Street Story only take a few minutes, and they give CRTP and local government agencies better information about the need for safety improvements. So don’t forget to make a report every time you experience a near-miss, a crash, or a hazardous location. La versión de Street Story en español está disponible aquí. 

News from Beyond the North Coast

Why You Should Support E-Bikes (Even If You Don’t Ride One)
CalBike has put together a handy collection of resources supporting the widespread use of e-bikes and responding to common concerns.

Southern California Driver Intentionally Hits Three People on Bikes
The motive for the horrific attacks, which killed one person, is currently unknown. But Huntington Beach, where these vehicular attacks occurred, has apparently decided that the real threat is not deadly vehicles but e-bikes.

Let’s Show Sidewalks Some Love
Cities invest a tiny fraction of their infrastructure budgets into sidewalks, despite the fact that these public spaces are important not only for safe walking but also for community bonding.

The Collector is CRTP’s weekly transportation news roundup, published every Friday. We focus on North Coast news, but we also include relevant state, national and international transportation news – plus other items that we just find kind of interesting! To submit items for consideration, email colin@transportationpriorities.org.

Join Us to Help Make Eureka Safer for Bikes

The Collector

September 15, 2023

Want to Help Make Eureka Safer for Bikes?
Join CRTP, the Northcoast Environmental Center, and Moon Cycles for a bike ride around Eureka on Monday at 5:30 pm. We’ll be looking at bike infrastructure and what can be done to improve it, and talking about the Eureka Bike Plan that’s currently being written. Click here to register. And speaking of the Eureka Bike Plan, don’t forget to take the official survey and provide your input.

Free Bus Rides on Saturday!
Local transit systems will be offering free rides tomorrow to encourage people to get to community events like the North Country Fair and Festejando Nuestra Comunidad by bus. Another great option is to go by bike, and CRTP will be offering free bike valet at the Fair!

Once you’ve started riding the bus, you won’t want to stop. So here’s more great news for the next time you ride on a day when fares are in place: all Humboldt Transit Authority buses and Arcata city buses now have convenient “tap to pay” credit card systems for paying your fare. You even get a discount for using this method.

E-bike Vouchers Are Almost Here
Last week, California finally unveiled the website for its new e-bike incentives. You can’t apply for one yet – but you can get your paperwork ready, and you should. Once the program goes live, it’s expected to be hugely popular, so the money will run out pretty fast.

And don’t forget that when the state program begins, the Redwood Coast Energy Authority will simultaneously start its own voucher program. When the incentives are combined, you may be able to obtain up to $2,500 toward the purchase of an e-bike, depending on your income.

Don’t Forget to Take the Week Without Driving Pledge
Running October 2-8, 2023, this is an important opportunity for decision-makers to get first-hand insights into what it’s like to live in our communities for the many people who can’t drive because of age, disability, income or other reasons. Thanks to the community leaders, elected officials, planners and engineers who have already taken the pledge to participate. If you haven’t yet, please click the link above and sign up today.

Street Story: A Simple Way to Contribute to the Fight for Safe Streets
Reports on Street Story only take a few minutes, and they give CRTP and local government agencies better information about the need for safety improvements. So don’t forget to make a report every time you experience a near-miss, a crash, or a hazardous location. La versión de Street Story en español está disponible aquí. 

News from Beyond the North Coast

Take the State Highway Complete Streets Survey
Here at CRTP, we spend a lot of time advocating for safety improvements to state highways like Eureka’s Broadway that cut through local communities. The advocacy group CalBike is now conducting a statewide survey on the status of bike and pedestrian infrastructure on state highways, and you can help by filling it out!

The Cars Are Watching Us
Modern vehicles collect huge amounts of data about drivers and passengers as well as people walking, biking and rolling nearby. There are almost no privacy protections.

The Collector is CRTP’s weekly transportation news roundup, published every Friday. We focus on North Coast news, but we also include relevant state, national and international transportation news – plus other items that we just find kind of interesting! To submit items for consideration, email colin@transportationpriorities.org.

$30 Million Awarded for Housing & Transportation in Eureka!

The Collector

September 8, 2023

Special Meeting on McKinleyville Town Center Next Week
The McKinleyville Municipal Advisory Committee has been reviewing Town Center plans for years, and it’s hard to predict what will happen at next Wednesday’s meeting. But the committee seems to be close to completing its review, and a vote on the Town Center ordinance could come at this meeting.

We’re glad to report that support has been growing on the committee for two of CRTP’s main priorities for the Town Center: (1) eliminating costly and unscientific parking mandates; (2) reducing the width of Central Avenue and redesigning it for bike and pedestrian safety. If you’d like to support these priorities, you can find out more about attending the meeting or submitting your email comment here.

$30 Million Awarded for Housing & Transportation Improvements in Eureka!
The City of Eureka and non-profit affordable housing developer Linc Housing have won a major state grant to construct three buildings of affordable housing in downtown Eureka, as well as funding major bike, pedestrian and public transit improvements. The city first approved these projects back in 2020, and this funding brings them a big step closer to reality. This is a moment to celebrate!

Unfortunately, after we celebrate, we have to go back to fighting the Rob Arkley-funded lawsuits and ballot measure that are trying to block this exact project, along with many other needed downtown housing and transportation projects like the EaRTH Center. This new grant award means that, among many other negative impacts, the ballot measure would put at risk at least $70 million in already awarded state investments in downtown Eureka housing and transportation improvements.

Driver Hits Cal Poly Student on Campus, Leading to Critical Injuries
Madelyn Vink is currently in intensive care in Santa Rosa, and our thoughts are with her and with her family and friends. We are also thinking about what kind of campus street design could have allowed such an awful collision to happen in a location that is almost always full of people walking, biking and rolling. We hope that the university administration takes this moment to study what happened, and to redesign campus streets to ensure nothing like it ever happens again.

Eureka Makes It Official: October 2-8 Is the Week Without Driving

This week, the Eureka City Council issued a Proclamation recognizing October 2-8, 2023 as the Week Without Driving, and several city officials have taken the pledge to participate. This is an important opportunity for decision-makers to get first-hand insights into what it’s like to live in our communities for the many people who can’t drive because of age, disability, income or other reasons. If you’re an elected official, community leader, planner, or other transportation decision-maker who hasn’t already taken the pledge, please sign up today.

Street Story: A Simple Way to Contribute to the Fight for Safe Streets
Reports on Street Story only take a few minutes, and they give CRTP and local government agencies better information about the need for safety improvements. So don’t forget to make a report every time you experience a near-miss, a crash, or a hazardous location. La versión de Street Story en español está disponible aquí. 

News from Beyond the North Coast

Transportation Bills Getting to the Finish Line in Sacramento
With the legislative session nearing an end, a number of important bills appear headed to the governor’s desk. These include an intersection “daylighting” bill that would ban parking near crosswalks to improve pedestrian visibility, a bill to allow bike riding on sidewalks where there isn’t safe bike infrastructure, and a bill to require landlords to charge separately for housing and parking (so people without cars aren’t forced to subsidize parking spaces).

Is an Unprotected, Painted Bike Lane More Dangerous Than No Bike Lane At All?
A new study adds to the evidence that busy streets require physically protected bike lanes and good intersection design to be truly safe.

The Collector is CRTP’s weekly transportation news roundup, published every Friday. We focus on North Coast news, but we also include relevant state, national and international transportation news – plus other items that we just find kind of interesting! To submit items for consideration, email colin@transportationpriorities.org.

An Opportunity to Weigh in on Humboldt’s Transit Plans

The Collector

September 1, 2023

Draft Humboldt County Transit Plan Available for Review
The Transit Development Plan lays out recommendations for improving the county’s transit systems over the next five years. There’s a lot to be excited about in the draft plan, including recommendations to add express buses between Arcata and Eureka, reinstate Sunday service, add a new bus route in Arcata, and pilot on-demand “microtransit” services to complement existing buses in McKinleyville, Arcata, Eureka and the Samoa peninsula. However, we think the plan needs to be even more ambitious to meet critical climate and bus ridership goals. For example, the draft plan doesn’t address the core community demand to provide buses every 15 minutes between McKinleyville and College of the Redwoods, the corridor that comprises the backbone of the regional transit system. Read CRTP’s full comments on the draft plan here, and submit your own by next Tuesday to have them considered by the Humboldt County Association of Governments.

Pro-Parking, Anti-Housing Initiative Backers Submit Signatures in Eureka
It turns out that if you have basically unlimited money to pay signature gatherers and create slick marketing full of lies and half-truths, it’s not that hard to get something on the ballot in a city the size of Eureka. Supporters of walkable housing and better public transit are now turning their efforts toward advocating for a “no” vote next spring. If this initiative passes, it will put hundreds of units of walkable, affordable downtown housing in jeopardy, along with a much-needed (and already funded) downtown transit center.

Will Old Fortuna Mill Site Development Contribute to Suburban Sprawl?
The owners of the site are actively trying to attract businesses for redevelopment. We like the idea of reusing old mill sites, but we are concerned that the plans proposed for this site show retail and industrial buildings surrounded by a sea of parking, apparently meant to attract people to drive all the way from Eureka, Arcata, and even McKinleyville. Make no mistake, this would be a project with major regional impacts, and we’ll be watching to see how it develops.

Now You Can Take the Amtrak Bus to Lots of New Places!
The Amtrak “Route 7” bus has long served the North Coast, offering connecting service to trains in the Bay Area. But now you can take the bus between any of its North Coast stops – including places like Garberville, Willits, Ukiah, and Santa Rosa – without a connecting train ticket! This change is a big step toward easier regional travel without a personal vehicle.

Street Story: A Simple Way to Contribute to the Fight for Safe Streets
Reports on Street Story only take a few minutes, and they give CRTP and local government agencies better information about the need for safety improvements. So don’t forget to make a report every time you experience a near-miss, a crash, or a hazardous location. La versión de Street Story en español está disponible aquí. 

News from Beyond the North Coast

Older Adults Are Particularly Vulnerable in Car Crashes
And a new report finds that some places in California have particularly high rates of fatal and serious injuries among seniors. Unfortunately, but unsurprisingly, several parts of the North Coast are on the list.

Drug Testing Reform Could Help Alleviate Bus Driver Shortage
Transit agencies both here on the North Coast and across the country are struggling to find enough drivers. One obstacle has been federal drug testing requirements that essentially prohibit drivers from using cannabis – even when they’re using it legally, are off the clock and come to work sober. New rules could help change that.

The Collector is CRTP’s weekly transportation news roundup, published every Friday. We focus on North Coast news, but we also include relevant state, national and international transportation news – plus other items that we just find kind of interesting! To submit items for consideration, email colin@transportationpriorities.org.

Mark Your Calendar for the National Week Without Driving

The Collector

August 25, 2023

Mark Your Calendar for the National Week Without Driving
Decision makers often assume that everybody drives a car, but the truth is that about 30% of Americans can’t drive because they are too young or too old, have a disability, or can’t afford a car. In 2021 and 2022, leaders in Washington state participated in a Week Without Driving to gain some insight into the experiences of people who can’t drive. This year, organizations from across the country are hosting the first National Week Without Driving from October 2-8, 2023. Here on the North Coast, it’s hosted by CRTP.

Anyone can take the Week Without Driving pledge, but we are specifically asking elected and appointed officials, planners and engineers to participate. That’s because it’s particularly important for people who make decisions about the transportation system to understand what it’s like for people who can’t drive. If you are an elected official or a professional who works on transportation or land use issues, please mark your calendar and take the pledge today.

A Win and a Block for the Gateway Plan
The Arcata City Council nixed the idea of a K and L Street couplet this week, and directed staff to come back with new plans to redesign K and 11th Streets for bike and pedestrian safety. This prioritization of safety on K and 11th Streets is exactly what we’ve been asking for, so we consider this a win. Thanks to the Council for moving it forward, and thanks to our supporters for all the comments you submitted on this topic!

On the other big Gateway Plan topic of discussion, progress was harder to find. As outlined in comments submitted shortly before the meeting, 2 of the 3 Councilmembers eligible to vote on the Gateway Plan support allowing taller buildings, which we have long pointed out are needed for walkable development. However, the third Councilmember actually proposed decreasing building heights from what is currently allowed, which would be a major step backwards. Because of a quirk of state law, all 3 Councilmembers have to vote yes on the final plan, so one “no” vote can effectively block it. Because denser development is key to the Gateway Plan’s success, this week’s Council discussion puts the future of the plan in serious question.

Plans Make Progress in McKinleyville
The McKinleyville Municipal Advisory Committee this week seemed to move toward majority support for a much-needed lane reduction and redesign of Central Avenue, after more than a year of stalemate on the issue. Committee members also reaffirmed their support for eliminating costly parking mandates from the Town Center plan, a positive step that helps clear the way for walkable development.

Also this week, the Board of Supervisors took the first step toward a required environmental review for the Town Center ordinance, and accepted a report recommending significant bike and pedestrian safety improvements throughout McKinleyville. Our region’s third largest community – long characterized by a sprawling, car-dominated suburban form – is finally taking real steps toward transportation safety and climate-friendly planning!

Eureka Bike Plan Survey Still Available
If you haven’t filled out the survey yet, please do it today! Your input will help inform plans for the city’s future bike network.

Si aún no ha completado la encuesta del plan de bicicletas de Eureka, ¡hágalo hoy! Su opinión ayudará a informar los planes para la futura red de bicicletas de la ciudad. Haga clic aquí para ver la encuesta.

While we’re talking about Eureka: don’t forget to tell your friends and neighbors not to sign that anti-housing, anti-transit, anti-walkability petition that’s going around!

Street Story: A Simple Way to Contribute to the Fight for Safe Streets
Reports on Street Story only take a few minutes, and they give CRTP and local government agencies better information about the need for safety improvements. So don’t forget to make a report every time you experience a near-miss, a crash, or a hazardous location. La versión de Street Story en español está disponible aquí. 

News from Beyond the North Coast

File This Under “Unpopular But True”
Researchers have analyzed more data, and come to the same conclusion: You can’t get people to drive less just by making it nicer to walk, bike or ride the bus. You also have to make it less pleasant to drive.

Can A New Program Help Smaller Communities Get Federal Funds?
Unprecedented amounts of money are coming from the federal government to support bike and pedestrian infrastructure and public transit, thanks to the recent infrastructure law and the Inflation Reduction Act. But small communities have historically struggled to access federal money, due in part to complex bureaucratic requirements.

The Collector is CRTP’s weekly transportation news roundup, published every Friday. We focus on North Coast news, but we also include relevant state, national and international transportation news – plus other items that we just find kind of interesting! To submit items for consideration, email colin@transportationpriorities.org.

Arcata City Council Will Finally Review the Gateway Plan Next Week

The Collector

August 18, 2023

Arcata City Council Will Finally Review the Gateway Plan Next Week
It’s been nearly 2 years since the draft Gateway Plan was first published, and next Tuesday night the City Council will finally get their chance to review it. The Council will sit down with the Planning Commission to discuss the Commission’s recommendations and will likely take “straw votes” to indicate their positions on the key issues. (To be specific, three of the Councilmembers will discuss and vote; the other two have had to recuse themselves from Gateway-related decisions because they own property near the area.)

This meeting is likely to have a big impact on the final fate of the Gateway Plan. Please show up and voice your support! After all, as we’ve said many times, this is the most bike and pedestrian-friendly land use plan yet proposed in our region. It includes great infrastructure upgrades and pedestrian-oriented building design standards, as well as encouraging higher densities that will increase walkability and bikeability and support better transit service.

One hot topic that will be discussed on Tuesday is the proposed K and L Street “couplet.” This is one of the central transportation features of the plan, so we want to make sure our members and supports know the basic facts. The city is proposing to make K and L Streets into single-lane, one-way streets, while preserving and enhancing the off-street trail that already runs along the L Street corridor. Because these streets would have only one lane, they would not be subject to the speeding problems found on multi-lane one-ways, and the design changes would make it much safer and more comfortable to walk and bike between downtown and the Gateway area. However, the proposal would also build out the currently incomplete (and therefore very low-traffic) L Street from Alliance Road to Samoa Boulevard, and divert southbound traffic from K Street to L Street, next to the trail. Many people are understandably upset about that.

CRTP wants to preserve and create as much car-free and low-car space as possible. We also feel the urgent need to prioritize fixing the biggest bike and pedestrian safety issues wherever they are found. Unfortunately, the over-heated and sometimes misleading rhetoric about the couplet has distracted from the biggest problems for people walking, biking and rolling in the neighborhood – notably the current designs of K and 11th Streets. In fact, with all the attention on K and L, virtually no attention has been devoted to fixing dangerous 11th Street. So in the end, if K and 11th Streets are overhauled for bike and pedestrian safety – and the off-street trail along L Street is preserved – we will consider it a big win.

We Should Build Housing on Unneeded Parking Lots – and Not Just in Eureka
Check out this op-ed from CRTP Executive Director Colin Fiske about the need to put all of that paved land to better use. The spotlight in this piece is on a particularly egregious example of wasted space: the vast and mostly empty parking lot at the former Ray’s Food Place in McKinleyville. The owners of this lot could build enough housing for hundreds of families if they wanted to – and even better, it’s close to the future McKinleyville Town Center and right on the Redwood Transit Service bus route!

While we’re talking about parking lots and housing, don’t forget to tell everyone you know in Eureka not to sign that misleading Rob Arkley-backed petition! Despite the “Housing for All” name, it’s actually designed to block the planned transit center and walkable, affordable housing in the name of preserving every single public parking lot space in the already over-parked downtown.

How to Become a Great Bike City
In the latest EcoNews, we give some history about how cities like Amsterdam and Copenhagen became great bike cities, and draw lessons for our local communities.

Street Story: A Simple Way to Contribute to the Fight for Safe Streets
Reports on Street Story only take a few minutes, and they give CRTP and local government agencies better information about the need for safety improvements. So don’t forget to make a report every time you experience a near-miss, a crash, or a hazardous location. La versión de Street Story en español está disponible aquí. 

News from Beyond the North Coast

No, E-Bikes Are Not Causing the Bike Safety Crisis
Some Southern California cities are reacting to e-bike riders being hit by vehicles by blaming the e-bikes. Some media outlets are also promoting this narrative. But this is just another victim-blaming distraction from the real problems: inadequate infrastructure and ever-bigger cars and trucks.

San Francisco Objects to Expansion of Driverless Taxis
The state voted last week to allow “robotaxis” to operate at all hours. The city says they’re already disrupting transit and creating safety hazards, and the expanded hours would only make things worse.

The Collector is CRTP’s weekly transportation news roundup, published every Friday. We focus on North Coast news, but we also include relevant state, national and international transportation news – plus other items that we just find kind of interesting! To submit items for consideration, email colin@transportationpriorities.org.

Eurekans: Please Don’t Sign That Petition!

The Collector

August 11, 2023

Parking Lots Cover More Than One Third of Downtown Eureka
A new map made by CRTP shows that 34% of developable land in the downtown area is covered by parking lots. And that’s after removing the 35% of land covered by streets, most of which is also devoted to moving and parking cars! Click here to explore the map and read more about it.

Clearly, complaints about a parking shortage downtown are misinformed. If there’s a parking problem in Eureka, it’s a management problem, not a supply problem. The fact that almost all the parking is free (i.e., subsidized), and much of it is in private lots only available to land owners or business customers, makes it a very poorly managed resource. Implementing best practices for metering and sharing parking would do a lot to increase efficiency and ensure spaces are available when and where they’re actually needed – even after parking is removed to allow affordable housing construction. Speaking of which…

Don’t Sign That Petition; It’s Not Pro-Housing!
The Arkley-funded petition now being circulated is cynically titled “Eureka Housing for All,” but its true purpose is the opposite: to make it virtually impossible to build affordable housing by mandating that not a single parking spot can be removed from any public downtown lot. It would also prevent the Humboldt Transit Authority from building the much-needed (and already funded) Eureka Regional Transit and Housing Center (EaRTH Center). This initiative is anti-housing, anti-transit, anti-walkability, and – let’s face it – anti-poor people. The only thing it’s really for is free parking. CRTP strongly urges Eurekans not to sign it.

If you already mistakenly signed it because of the misleading marketing, you’re not alone! Click here for a form you can print and return to the Elections office to remove your signature.

Take the Eureka Bike Plan Survey
Let the city know where you bike, where you’d like to bike, and what kind of infrastructure would make you feel comfortable biking. Your answers will help inform the Eureka Bike Plan which is currently under development. And if you have specific input not captured by the survey, let CRTP know! We are representing our members and supporters as a stakeholder on the Bike Plan Project Task Force, and if you have ideas we’d love to hear from you.

Judge Rules Against Caltrans in Richardson Grove Case
The latest lawsuit against the highway expansion project through Richardson Grove State Park will continue thanks to a ruling by a local judge. After more than a decade of legal setbacks and a massive shift in state transportation plans, we have to ask: why is Caltrans still promoting this outdated and expensive project?

Street Story: A Simple Way to Contribute to the Fight for Safe Streets
Reports on Street Story only take a few minutes, and they give CRTP and local government agencies better information about the need for safety improvements. So don’t forget to make a report every time you experience a near-miss, a crash, or a hazardous location. La versión de Street Story en español está disponible aquí. 

News from Beyond the North Coast

What Can Local Communities Do About the Increasing Size of Personal Vehicles?
New cars, trucks and SUVs just keep getting bigger, threatening not only the planet but also anyone who is walking, biking, or even riding in a smaller vehicle nearby. Addressing this problem will require federal or state government action, but local governments have some tools they could use as well, including designing streets that are safer for people outside a vehicle and less convenient to use in an enormous truck or SUV.

All New Cars Should Have Automatic Braking for Pedestrians
Automatic braking technology is far from perfect – for example, it rarely detects pedestrians at night, at high speeds, or when a car is turning – but it can still save lives in many situations. If you agree that it should be standard on all new vehicles, click the link above to let the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration know how you feel.

The Collector is CRTP’s weekly transportation news roundup, published every Friday. We focus on North Coast news, but we also include relevant state, national and international transportation news – plus other items that we just find kind of interesting! To submit items for consideration, email colin@transportationpriorities.org.

Arcata Council Approves H Street Bike Lane

The Collector

August 4, 2023

Arcata Council Approves H Street Bike Lane
On Wednesday, the City Council modified plans for a paving project on H Street to include a long-missing stretch of bike lane between 17th and 18th Streets, making one of the city’s main thoroughfares significantly safer for people biking. They also voted to reaffirm their support for the Complete Streets Policy, which requires bike and pedestrian improvements like this to be included automatically in all future projects.

Make no mistake, this happened because of you! CRTP was the first to advocate for this bike lane, and our members and supporters sent in many comments in support of both the bike lane and the Complete Streets Policy. Mayor Sarah Schaefer even thanked us after the vote!

To learn about how other places have become great bike cities, and the importance of designing bike facilities for people of all ages and abilities, check out CRTP’s articles in the latest edition of the Eco News.

A New Bus Route & A New Bus Adventure
A new bus route will start operating during morning and afternoon peak hours in Arcata soon, offering half-hourly service between Valley West and Cal Poly Humboldt. Combined with other existing routes, this will provide buses every 15 minutes between Valley West and central Arcata at some times of day – the first time this kind of frequency has ever been achieved in our region. Research shows that buses generally need to come at least every 15 minutes for people who own cars to choose to ride the bus instead.

If you want to learn more about riding the bus, you can join 350 Humboldt for one of their Bus Adventures! The next Adventure is happening next Thursday at 10 am at the Humboldt Transit Authority depot at 133 V Street in Eureka, where participants will learn how to load bikes onto the bus bike racks. Email cathyck@sbcglobal.net for more information and to RSVP.

Eureka City Council Approves A Few More Downtown Parking Changes
It will cost a little bit more to park in some of the downtown lots soon, although still not enough to cover the cost of maintaining those parking lots – let alone the costs we all bear from more parking and driving, which range from reduced space for downtown housing to deaths and injuries from car crashes to global climate chaos.

Another Gateway Plan Review Session
Concerned that you haven’t heard about the Gateway Plan enough lately? Never fear, even though the Arcata Planning Commission made its formal recommendation to City Council last month, they’ll still be talking more about it next week! CRTP continues to support this bike and pedestrian-friendly infill development plan while advocating for improvements every chance we get.

Street Story Reports Help Us Advocate for Safer Streets
When we are advocating to improve a plan or project, we frequently look at the Street Story map to see what people have reported. Your reports give us better information about the need for safety improvements! So don’t forget to make a report every time you experience a near-miss, a crash, or a hazardous location. La versión de Street Story en español está disponible aquí. 

News from Beyond the North Coast

People Really Love E-Bike Incentives
In a new survey, most bicyclists said they’d actually pick up and move to a new city if it offered them an e-bike.

Taking Away Drivers Licenses Hasn’t Made Our Roads Safer
Although justified as a public safety measure, most license suspensions are really just punishments meted out to low-income people for not being able to pay their debts.

The Collector is CRTP’s weekly transportation news roundup, published every Friday. We focus on North Coast news, but we also include relevant state, national and international transportation news – plus other items that we just find kind of interesting! To submit items for consideration, email colin@transportationpriorities.org.

Learn About Edible Plants by Bike!

The Collector

July 28, 2023

More on Parking and Housing in Eureka
The Eureka City Council will return to the topic of downtown parking at next week’s meeting and is set to finalize changes made last week to moderately expand and modernize the meter system. They will also discuss changing time limits on some blocks. Also on the agenda, continued from the previous meeting, is a report on the draft Waterfront Specific Plan.

Meanwhile, as Rob Arkley and cronies continue promoting their NIMBY Ballot Initiative to block affordable downtown housing, the California Highway Patrol is poised to purchase the old Jacobs school site – further undermining the initiative’s already silly argument that all the city’s new housing can go there instead of downtown. (Ironically, if the Jacobs campus were actually available for housing development, we would agree with Arkley that it’s a pretty good location – but that doesn’t negate the need for walkable housing downtown, too.)

Join Us to Learn About Edible Plants by Bike!
Next Thursday, join CRTP, the Northcoast Environmental Center, and Moon Cycles for a casual bike ride through the Arcata Bottoms to learn about local edible and medicinal plants. This is a great opportunity for people who want to get more comfortable on a bike, as well as folks interested in edible plants. Click the link above to register – we’ll even help you borrow a bike if you don’t have one!

Virtual Great Redwood Trail Workshop Next Week
Next Wednesday the Great Redwood Trail Agency is holding an online public workshop to get feedback on trail planning efforts. Meanwhile, progress has already begun on building one of the most exciting segments of the trail, which will finally connect Eureka and Arcata with a safe path for walking and biking!

This Person Gets It
After attending the annual AutoXpo, a Fortuna resident reflects: classic cars might be cool, but car culture is driving us toward planetary disaster.

Street Story Reports Help Us Advocate for Safer Streets
When we are advocating to improve a plan or project, we frequently look at the Street Story map to see what people have reported. Your reports give us better information about the need for safety improvements! So don’t forget to make a report every time you experience a near-miss, a crash, or a hazardous location. La versión de Street Story en español está disponible aquí. 

News from Beyond the North Coast

Some Downtowns Are Finally Welcoming Bikes Lanes and Pedestrianization
Call it enlightened self-interest from the business community.

How to Respond When Someone Bashes Bicyclists
CalBike provides a handy guide for those situations when you hear familiar phrases like “If only those crazy bicyclists wouldn’t…”

The Collector is CRTP’s weekly transportation news roundup, published every Friday. We focus on North Coast news, but we also include relevant state, national and international transportation news – plus other items that we just find kind of interesting! To submit items for consideration, email colin@transportationpriorities.org.