The Bay Trail and the Sea

The Collector

March 5, 2021

The Bay Trail and the Sea
Humboldt County Public Works Deputy Director Hank Seemann recently gave an informative presentation about the impact of sea level rise on the transportation corridor between Arcata and Eureka, including the yet-to-be-built final four miles of the Bay Trail.

Grieving the Lives Lost to Cars
CRTP Executive Director Colin Fiske explores the role of public grief in the transportation advocacy movement.

Still Time to Take Our Survey!
The deadline was extended to March 15. And don’t forget to share it with your Spanish-speaking friends and neighbors, too.

Eureka City Council Approves Pedestrian Crossing Improvements
Many are in the vicinity of Henderson Center.

Del Norte Approves New Regional Transportation Plan
Despite the plan’s regional significance, it seems to have flown under the radar. CRTP was the only commenter at the public hearing.

How Bikes and Cars Can Share a Steep Rural Road
At Mt. Diablo, California State Parks installed bicycle turnouts to reduce car-bike conflict on the steep, winding road up the mountain. And it worked.

La versión en línea de Street Story ahora está disponible en inglés y español.
Local residents have reported 742 reports (and counting) on Street Story. And if you are more comfortable filling out a form in Spanish or know people who are, there’s a new Spanish-language version of Street Story for you! Of course, the English-language version is still available here. CRTP uses reports to advocate for change, and local agencies use them to apply for grants and prioritize improvements. Your reports are important!

Petaluma Bans New Gas Stations
It’s the first city in the country to do so, but it won’t be the last.

Want to Make Your City a Place for People, Not Cars?
Heidelberg, Germany is a pretty good place to look for inspiration.

Electric Vehicle Rebates Mostly Help Rich People
And charging stations tend to be in high-income neighborhoods, too. If future transportation electrification work doesn’t focus heavily on equity, it will just exacerbate existing social and economic problems.

Transportation Innovations Often Don’t Serve Older Americans
But there are ways to address that problem. On a related note, scooter company Lime has started introducing a variety of accessible scooter designs that could change the micro-mobility game.

The Collector is CRTP’s weekly transportation news roundup, published every Friday. We focus on North Coast news, but we also include relevant state, national and international transportation news – plus other items that we just find kind of interesting! To submit items for consideration, email