Planning Begins for a Downtown Eureka Transit Hub

The Collector

November 12, 2021

Planning Begins for a Downtown Eureka Transit Hub
At next Tuesday’s meeting, the Eureka City Council will consider approving an agreement with the Humboldt Transit Authority to jointly develop a multi-modal transit hub with affordable housing on top on one of the city’s downtown parking lots. The plan is contingent on HTA receiving a major grant to fund the project, but CRTP is very excited about the possibilities! Also on the Council’s agenda is an ordinance prohibiting handling and storage of coal on lands owned or held in trust by the City – the latest response to the threat of coal trains invading our region.

Eureka to Adopt Vision Zero Goal
Another notable item on Tuesday’s Eureka City Council agenda is a proclamation which, among other things, establishes the goal of reducing traffic fatalities to zero. This proclamation is one of the results of a countywide traffic safety task force established by Eureka Mayor Susan Seaman, and which CRTP was a member of. Look for other local jurisdictions to adopt similar proclamations in the weeks to come.

Vote for CRTP!
If you’re a North Coast Co-op member, vote now for CRTP to be a recipient of next year’s Seeds for Change fundraising program. We need your support!

McKinleyville Town Center Open House Saturday
Get your questions answered and provide your feedback on the draft Town Center ordinance tomorrow morning in McKinleyville.

Supes Discuss Denser Infill Housing
At its meeting this Tuesday, the Humboldt County Board of Supervisors talked about a plan to rezone some areas for multifamily housing and to implement the newly-passed SB 10, which allows local governments to enable development of up to 10 housing units per lot in infill areas. CRTP is heartened by the County’s new focus on putting much-needed affordable housing near existing jobs and services.

Truck Traffic Impacts Not Significant?
Nordic Aquafarms said at a public meeting this week that the 15 truck trips per day they anticipate to serve the new fish farm on the Samoa Peninsula will not cause a significant impact. We’re waiting to see the full Environmental Impact Report, which is scheduled for release in December.

Will Solutions Come Fast Enough for the Eureka-Arcata Corridor?
Alarms are ringing over the relative rates of sea level rise and Caltrans bureaucratic processes.

Don’t Forget to Make Your Reports on Street Story
Report the hazards, collisions and near-misses you’ve experienced on local streets, so we can use the data to make things safer in the future. Local residents have reported 843 reports (and counting) on Street Story. La versión en español está disponible aquí. 

Federal Infrastructure Bill: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
The infrastructure bill which finally passed Congress last week is heavily weighted toward building new car infrastructure – doubling down on a system that continues to kill thousands of people each year while destroying the global climate. Nevertheless, there are also a lot of other programs in the bill to help improve transit, active transportation, and high-speed rail.

Climate Conference Ignores Active Transportation and Transit
When will world leaders realize that we can’t drive our way out of the climate crisis?

Transit Ridership Down, Traffic Deaths Up
This year’s deadly trends are starting to become clear. Meanwhile, California’s transit agencies may be in even more trouble, as the federal government threatens to withhold funding over a 2013 pension reform law targeting transit workers.

The Collector is CRTP’s weekly transportation news roundup, published every Friday. We focus on North Coast news, but we also include relevant state, national and international transportation news – plus other items that we just find kind of interesting! To submit items for consideration, email