Humboldt’s Most Bike and Pedestrian Friendly Plan Ever?

The Collector

December 10, 2021

Arcata “Gateway Area Plan” on Agendas for Next Week
The Arcata Planning Commission will discuss the plan on Tuesday, and the City Council on Wednesday. CRTP has reviewed the draft plan, which calls for high-density, mixed-use, pedestrian-oriented development, and we’ve concluded that it represents the most bike and pedestrian friendly long-term plan ever proposed here on the North Coast. Show up to a meeting next week to express your support! And if you’re a CRTP member or join in the next month, you can hear directly from Community Development Director David Loya about the plan at our January Member Meeting.

Join CRTP Today!
CRTP is in the middle of our annual membership drive right now. If you’re not already a CRTP member, what’s holding you back? Click on the link above and join today.

HTA General Manager Greg Pratt Named 2021 Responsible Transportation Champion
CRTP is recognizing Pratt for his remarkable efforts to keep public transportation running in Humboldt County throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, while at the same time preparing for a rapid transition to zero-emission buses and initiating work on a much-needed downtown Eureka transit hub.

Eureka City Council Delays Final Vote on Anti-Coal Ordinance
At its meeting on Tuesday, the Council identified a potential loophole in the ordinance and decided to take time to fix it rather than adopting the ordinance right away. The ordinance is a response to the threat posed by a plan to block the Great Redwood Trail and instead revive the old rail line with high-volume coal shipments to Humboldt Bay. CRTP is a core member of the coalition working to stop this from happening. Another notable moment at Tuesday’s meeting came at the end of the meeting, when Councilmember Natalie Arroyo proposed that the city develop a complete streets policy to ensure that bike, pedestrian and transit features are incorporated in all city street projects. Local advocacy group RCCER has been promoting just such a policy to local officials.

McKinleyville Town Center Ordinance Discussion to Continue
The McKinleyville Municipal Advisory Committee discussed the draft ordinance for several hours at its meeting this week, but only made a little headway. Expect a series of meetings over the next few months focused on continued review and comments. That means if you want to see our county’s third-largest community develop a walkable, transit-oriented town center, you’ll still have many opportunities to be heard!

Another Drive-Thru in Eureka?
At its meeting on Monday, the Eureka Planning Commission will consider approval of yet another car-culture restaurant, this one in the Target parking lot. Also on the agenda is a seventh (!) time limit extension for a suburban subdivision first approved in 2007, as well as measures to implement the new state law called SB 9, which will allow more infill housing to be built in areas currently zoned for single-family homes.

Go Slow and Watch the Road
The campaign that grew from Eureka Mayor Susan Seaman’s recent countywide traffic safety task force continues to roll out. You can get free signs anywhere in the county by contacting Mayor Seaman.

Don’t Forget to Make Your Reports on Street Story
Report the hazards, collisions and near-misses you’ve experienced on local streets, so we can use the data to make things safer in the future. Local residents have made 860 reports (and counting) on Street Story. La versión en español está disponible aquí. 

Funding Awarded for Secure Bike Storage on HSU Campus
A student-initiated and student-led effort just secured $120,000 (from student fees) to build a secure, weather-protected bike storage facility on campus. The project is a response to persistent high levels of bike theft, as well as ongoing problems with rust and other side effects of storing bikes out in the elements. Congratulations to project lead Justin Delgado and his team!

California Adopts New Emissions Standards for Trucks
By reducing toxic pollutants and climate-harming emissions, the rules are expected to save many lives. Meanwhile, as e-commerce replaces more and more in-person activity, trucks are making up a bigger and bigger share of the traffic on many roads. A new report finds that the companies delivering those goods are doing little to address their emissions.

A Case Study for Removing a Highway
As it looks to remove a major urban freeway, Detroit struggles with the inequities caused by its construction.

Green Subsidies Mostly Go to Rich People
But it doesn’t have to be that way. The Build Back Better bill includes at least some measures to address this persistent problem.

The Collector is CRTP’s weekly transportation news roundup, published every Friday. We focus on North Coast news, but we also include relevant state, national and international transportation news – plus other items that we just find kind of interesting! To submit items for consideration, email