Humboldt Supervisors Discuss Road Tax Proposal

The Collector

July 22, 2022

Humboldt Supervisors Discuss Road Tax Proposal
There is a huge maintenance deficit for local roads. But as CRTP told the Supervisors, merely fixing up the roads without also addressing the road safety crisis and investing in our public transit system would be fiscally and environmentally irresponsible. On the other hand, a dedicated local tax to help fund public transit, bike and pedestrian infrastructure along with roads would be a game-changer.

Decision on Massive Fish Farm Could Be Made Next Week
The Humboldt County Planning Commission is expected to hold a hearing next Thursday evening to consider the project’s environmental impacts and issue permits. CRTP and our allies have been able to secure commitments from Nordic Aquafarms to use 100% renewable electricity and to implement a comprehensive program to divert commuting trips away from single-occupancy vehicles. However, we remain concerned about other significant and unmitigated road safety and climate impacts.

No Clear Answers on How to Deal with Sea Level Rise in the Safety Corridor
The Coastal Commission has required Caltrans to come up with a plan for adapting the vulnerable highway (and future trail) between Arcata and Eureka to the increasingly urgent threat of sea level rise. Caltrans is still considering its options.

Arcata Planning Commission to Discuss Gateway Design Principles
Let the Commissioners know that you support bike and pedestrian-oriented design – and that includes dense, mixed-use development that makes distances walkable and bikeable!

Coastal Commission Limits Digital Billboards in Eureka
As some commenters and Commissioners pointed out, animated signs on streets like Broadway may distract drivers and contribute to the safety crisis.

Road Rage Hate Crime?
Two white men allegedly attacked a black man in Eureka and shouted racial slurs, all because they were upset about backed-up traffic after a 4th of July event. This kind of hate and violence is obviously not just car-related. But road rage is a real phenomenon that deserves a serious societal response.

Street Story: The Public Platform for Street Safety
Local residents have made 944 reports so far. Add a report any time you see a hazardous spot or experience a collision or near miss. La versión en español está disponible aquí. 

Where Is the $10 Million for E-Bikes?
It was budgeted by the state legislature and due to be rolled out by July 1st, but nothing has happened yet.

Big California Cities Are Losing Residents
Unaffordable housing and the availability of remote work are two of the likely causes of the trend. But if people disperse to more suburban and exurban locations, driving will continue to increase and it will be nearly impossible to meet critical climate and safety targets.

Postal Service Backs Down a Little on Plan for Gas-Guzzling Fleet
The USPS now says it will buy a lot more electric vehicles than it originally planned.

The Collector is CRTP’s weekly transportation news roundup, published every Friday. We focus on North Coast news, but we also include relevant state, national and international transportation news – plus other items that we just find kind of interesting! To submit items for consideration, email