The Collector
March 8, 2019
The Arcata Plaza: A Transportation Microcosm
As the Plaza Improvement Task Force continues its work, CRTP wants to make the Plaza a safer space for people who aren’t in cars. Meanwhile, the comments of the police officer quoted in this article demonstrate vividly how bicyclists and pedestrians are currently blamed for being hit by cars around the Plaza – just like they are everywhere else. (And don’t even get us started about how a bicycle-pedestrian collision resulting in death – a virtually unheard-of event – is a subject of intense concern for the officer, while the numerous pedestrians killed by people driving cars in and around Arcata are never even mentioned.)

The Village: Deja Vu All Over Again
At its umpteenth hearing on the proposed large residential project, the Arcata City Council essentially asked the developer for the same modifications they had already asked for and been told were impossible. CRTP Board Member Keenan Hilton spoke at the hearing in support of The Village as an important infill development which will lend itself to active transportation – although preferably with a reduced parking lot.
Richardson Grove Project Headed Back to Court
The next hearing will be on March 18th at the Humboldt County Courthouse.
Local Projects on State Transportation Commission Agenda
The CTC will consider an ADA upgrade project on Broadway in Eureka, modest pedestrian safety improvements at the south end of McKinleyville’s Central Ave, and a Class I bike path in Manila, along with extra money for the Highway 36 road-widening project near Alton. There are also staff reports on a number of local projects, including emergency storm damage repairs.
Humboldt County Measure Z Funds Requested
The biggest request is for road maintenance and repair. Not too surprising in the context of the recent damage resulting from just a few major storms.
The Eureka Transportation Safety Commission Will Meet!
After many months of limited agendas and canceled meetings, the city has a meeting scheduled next week with new members and new agenda items.
Caltrans Report Shows Backsliding on Pedestrian Safety, Vehicle Miles Traveled
The most recent data show pedestrian fatalities up and people driving more. If Caltrans can’t make progress toward decreasing both of these key indicators, our lives and the climate will be at increasing risk.
Bus Rapid Transit Moves Ahead in East Bay
It’s a bus! It’s a train! It’s bus rapid transit!
Depaving the Alleys
Can urban alleyways be repurposed as more natural social spaces?
The Collector is CRTP’s weekly transportation news roundup, published every Friday. We focus on North Coast news, but we also include relevant state, national and international transportation news – plus other items that we just find kind of interesting! To submit items for consideration, email