Progress for the McKinleyville Town Center?

The Collector

December 16, 2022

Editor’s Note: The Collector will be on a year-end break for the next few weeks. We’ll be back in 2023!

Suburban Subdivision Approval Moves to Eureka City Council
The Planning Commission this week acknowledged that the Lundbar Hills project is not walkable, and that its 16-year-old environmental review is out of date, but voted 3-2 to extend its approvals for another 10 years anyway. Next Tuesday, the Council will get the final say. Given that the developer told Planning Commissioners he has no plans to start building any time soon, we’re not sure why the city seems so eager to get this done quickly. We hope the City Council – with two new members at their first meeting – will take the time to require an up-to-date environmental review, rather than rubber-stamping more sprawl.

Progress for the McKinleyville Town Center Ordinance?
The McKinleyville Municipal Advisory Committee has been laboring over a Town Center ordinance for several years now. If it’s done correctly, this ordinance would encourage walkable development in the heart of the historically sprawling, car-dependent community. Could that goal finally be in sight?

Next Wednesday, the Committee will consider a lightly edited new draft ordinance for the Town Center. It is largely the same as the June draft, so we have mostly the same comments we did in June. Specifically, while there’s a lot to like about it, there are also several big problems. They need to get rid of the expensive parking mandates, increase the development density to support walkability and transit, and design all streets – especially Central Avenue – as safe, pedestrian-oriented walking and biking corridors. You can go to the meeting – or send an email – to tell them the same thing!

In other exciting McKinleyville news, the Humboldt County Association of Governments (HCAOG) is applying for a state grant to implement an on-demand microtransit system in town – as recommended by last year’s transit study – and also fund the inclusive infill housing project called We Are Up. CRTP is actively supporting this grant application.

Don’t forget Street Story over the holidays!
Your reports of hazards, near-misses and collisions help us advocate for safer streets, and help government agencies get funding for improvements. La versión de Street Story en español está disponible aquí. 

News from Beyond the North Coast

People in Denser Neighborhoods Produce Less Climate Pollution
Another strong argument for more walkable, transit-oriented development.

It’s Not Normal for So Many People to Die on Our Streets
People who have lost loved ones to traffic violence are fighting for safer streets and vehicles.

San Jose Eliminates Costly Parking Mandates Citywide
It is the largest city yet to do so. It joins a growing list of communities large and small, liberal and conservative, that are finally recognizing the harms caused by requiring huge amount of money and land to be devoted to private car storage.

The Collector is CRTP’s weekly transportation news roundup, published every Friday. We focus on North Coast news, but we also include relevant state, national and international transportation news – plus other items that we just find kind of interesting! To submit items for consideration, email