The Collector
June 21, 2019
We Want to Know Where You Feel Unsafe on Humboldt Streets
With the support of other local agencies and organizations, CRTP is rolling out the online Street Story tool on the North Coast. The tool was developed at UC Berkeley as an easy way for the public to report where they’ve had collisions, near-misses, or just feel unsafe on local streets and roads. Nearly 200 reports have been made in the county just since the tool was announced yesterday morning.

Supes Ask for More Zoning Rule Options
On Tuesday, the Humboldt County Board of Supervisors discussed a set of zoning code text amendments meant to implement the new(ish) General Plan. One of those changes is the creation of new Mixed Use zones, which are intended to facilitate denser, pedestrian-oriented town centers in places like McKinleyville. CRTP has been arguing for months that these zones need reduced parking requirements in order to allow the kind of development our town centers need. And apparently someone was listening: at the hearing the Supes asked staff to come back with proposals for reduced parking requirements. Imagine that!
State Transportation Commission Set to Discuss Local Topics
At its meeting next week, the Commission will vote on allocating $775,000 toward preparations for the Trinidad Rancheria’s desired new Highway 101 interchange. The Commission will also move the Annie & Mary Trail, the Bay Trail South (the “final four”), pedestrian improvements on Central Avenue at McKinleyville’s southern entrance, and Trinidad’s Van Wycke Bicycle & Pedestrian project one step closer to construction each with various funding and right-of-way decisions on the agenda.
Annual Public Transit Allocations Made in Humboldt
This week, the Humboldt County Association of Governments Board took up the annual task of allocating Local Transportation Fund dollars among local jurisdictions for public transportation support. This year, as in past years, the County of Humboldt is using a quarter-million dollars of its allocation on streets and roads instead of public transit, claiming that money isn’t needed for transit. Because there’s no way our transit system could use that money…right?
Arcata Council Considers Loan for Infill Project
Let’s face it – it’s not easy to build a good, pedestrian- and transit-oriented infill project. But that doesn’t mean it’s not important.
Blue Lake Envisions a Town Square
As a long-time resident said: “Everybody started driving so the businesses went away.” The town wants to capture something of what it once had. And we all know a good town square is a pedestrian paradise!
CSUs Blasted for Building Expensive Parking While Raising Student Fees
OK, that’s not the headline the newspapers chose. But it’s still a lesson to be learned.
California is Dangerous for Pedestrians
That’s not really news. But seeing how much higher our rate of pedestrian deaths is than the nationwide average is still sobering.
How Do We Actually Get People Out of Their Cars?
A fascinating look at some ways we can use the science of behavior change to design better mode shift strategies.
The Collector is CRTP’s weekly transportation news roundup, published every Friday. We focus on North Coast news, but we also include relevant state, national and international transportation news – plus other items that we just find kind of interesting! To submit items for consideration, email