CRTP and Allies Demand Transit Funding in “Road Tax” Measure

The Collector

November 10, 2023

Will Arcata’s Gateway Plan Go Citywide?
Next Wednesday, the Arcata City Council will consider whether some or all of the policies developed as part of the Gateway Area Plan should apply citywide instead. The staff report notes that while general policies could be applied citywide, location-specific features of the plan would likely still need to be implemented through the zoning code. CRTP is still reviewing this proposal, but we are excited by the idea that many of the bike, pedestrian and transit-friendly features of the Gateway plan could apply throughout Arcata.

CRTP and Allies Demand Transit Funding in County “Road Tax” Measure
On Tuesday, the Humboldt County Board of Supervisors heard results of public polling and made some decisions about 2024 ballot measures, including a potential sales tax to fund transportation. While county staff and some supervisors focused almost exclusively on road funding, advocacy by CRTP and our allies ensured that public transit funding remained on the table. (We made it clear that we would oppose any “road tax” that didn’t also include transit.) In the end, the Supervisors directed staff to conduct additional outreach as they shape the details of the measure for the November 2024 ballot. Increased investment in transit is a necessity for both equity and the climate, and you can be sure CRTP will continue to advocate hard for new funding for our local transit providers.

Biking Continues as the Seasons Turn
Join CRTP, the Northcoast Environmental Center, and Moon Cycles for our next group bike ride on Saturday at noon. This ride, from Valley West to Cal Poly Humboldt, will focus on how bike commuters can prepare for and even enjoy winter weather. Click here for more information and to register.

If you bike (or would like to bike) in Eureka, we also encourage you to come out next Thursday to a city-sponsored walk audit of bike conditions around Henderson Center. Results will help inform the official Eureka Bike Plan, currently under development.

A Sad Week on Local Roads
When it comes to street safety, CRTP focuses mainly on the most vulnerable people – pedestrians and bicyclists. But our local roads are dangerous for people in vehicles, too, as the last week has so tragically reminded us. Three serious vehicular crashes in Eureka – on Henderson Street, Broadway, and I Street – and one in Hoopa collectively left at least 2 people dead and several more injured. The details vary in serious crashes, but one factor is almost always present: speed. To prevent more deaths and injuries on our roads, drivers need to slow down, and agencies need to design streets to force them to do that. It’s not complicated. We just need to decide as a community that safety is truly more important than speed.

Opportunity to Comment on New Housing Development on Broadway
The City of Eureka is taking public comments about its plan to develop housing on a property overlooking Broadway between between Henderson and Harris Streets. You can attend a meeting next Wednesday, or click here to take their survey. If you comment, be sure to emphasize the need for bike and pedestrian safety improvements on Broadway, Harris and Henderson, so that future residents can safely access bus stops and local destinations without a car. As usual, we also strongly recommend maximizing housing units rather than parking spaces in the project design.

Street Story: A Simple Way to Contribute to the Fight for Safe Streets
Reports on Street Story only take a few minutes, and they give CRTP and local government agencies better information about the need for safety improvements. So don’t forget to make a report every time you experience a near-miss, a crash, or a hazardous location. La versión de Street Story en español está disponible aquí. 

News from Beyond the North Coast

California’s Climate Plan for Transportation Isn’t Enough
Caltrans is making good progress on implementing the plan, but there is no corresponding decrease in driving, in climate-harming emissions, or in deaths on the roads. Something’s wrong here.

The Collector is CRTP’s weekly transportation news roundup, published every Friday. We focus on North Coast news, but we also include relevant state, national and international transportation news – plus other items that we just find kind of interesting! To submit items for consideration, email