Humboldt County’s Unmet Transit Needs

The Collector

February 28, 2025

What Are Humboldt County’s Unmet Transit Needs?

Two people sit and talk to each other on a bench in a bus shelter on a sunny day, one wearing a pink jacket and hat, the other a sun hat.

Every year, the Humboldt County Association of Governments (HCAOG) leads an official process to gather public input on unmet transit needs in the county. That process was recently completed, and next Wednesday at 1:30 pm HCAOG’s Social Services Transportation Advisory Council will meet to discuss a draft of the official Unmet Transit Needs Report of Findings.

This will be one of the last chances for the public weigh in on the official unmet transit needs this year. Here’s a brief summary of the proposed findings, based on needs reported by the public:

  • Late night service on Redwood Transit System will not be considered an unmet need, because two later runs – with final stops between 8:30 and 10 pm for most locations – were already added last year.
  • Increased bus frequency between McKinleyville and Cal Poly Humboldt will not be considered an unmet need, because a pilot on-demand transit service for McKinleyville will soon be implemented and increase service options in this area.
  • Increased Dial-a-Ride service for people with disabilities will not be considered an unmet need, because it involves specialized services provided by other agencies.
  • All of the following will be considered unmet needs, but they can’t be met due to a lack of funding and/or ridership: Arcata & Mad River Transit System expansion, late night Saturday service on Redwood Transit System, Sunday service on Redwood Transit System, Eureka Transit System expansion, better service in Blue Lake, service to Bayside, and later Southern Humboldt Intercity service.
A person in tan pants and a camouflage patterned sweater steps onto a bus from the sidewalk.

Do you agree with these findings? Does the new Redwood Transit System schedule operate late enough to meet your needs? Will on-demand transit in McKinleyville meet the need for more frequent service to Arcata? You can provide your feedback in person or on Zoom next Wednesday, or email HCAOG staff at ahead of the meeting.

This continues to be a critical time to document transit needs in Humboldt County, since the Board of Supervisors will soon decide how much Measure O money will be allocated to transit – and some people are demanding that all of that money go to paving projects instead.

Step Up to Lead CRTP’s Bike Valet Program!

A bicycle leans against a table under an awning with a sign that reads "Free Bike Valet." Behind the table many bikes are parked and enclosed in orange temporary fencing.

Each year, CRTP provides bike valet services for about 7-10 local events, often including large annual happenings like the Oyster Festival and the North Country Fair.

If you’ve never experienced our bike valet, it’s a simple but important service. People check in their bikes (and accessories like helmets and trailers) while they’re at the event, and we watch over them and make sure they’re safe and secure – all for no charge! Bike valet provides both encouragement and appreciation for biking to events instead of driving.

We’re currently looking for a new volunteer to coordinate our bike valet program. The Bike Valet Coordinator is a volunteer position whose duties typically include:

  • Coordinating with event organizers on bike valet location, timing, signage, etc.
  • Recruiting and training volunteers to staff the bike valet service
  • Transporting, setting up and breaking down bike racks, fencing, pop-up tent, table and chairs
  • Covering bike valet shifts at events as needed

If you’re interested in helping provide this service to the local community, please email for more information.

News from Beyond the North Coast

Anti-Transit, Anti-Pedestrian, Anti-Climate Lawyer to Help Lead USDOT

Steven Bradbury, a lawyer who works with the conservative Heritage Foundation, has been nominated to be Deputy Secretary of Transportation in the Trump administration. Bradbury has a history of advocating for eliminating transit funding, prioritizing high traffic speeds over safety, and attacking fuel efficiency and zero-emission vehicles. And of course he supports building more highways.

More Jobs, More Mobility, Less Mining

A new report finds that investing more in transit, walkability, and smaller vehicles – instead of just swapping out all our current enormous cars and trucks for electric equivalents – would not only improve Americans’ mobility and reduce the need for destructive mining for battery components, it could also create more and better jobs.

The Collector is CRTP’s weekly transportation news roundup, published every Friday. We focus on North Coast news, but we also include relevant state, national and international transportation news – plus other items that we just find kind of interesting! To submit items for consideration, email

Speak Up on Transportation Upgrades in Eureka

The Collector

February 21, 2025

Speak Up on Transportation Upgrades in Eureka

The non-profit Rural Communities Housing Development Corporation is planning to build affordable housing on the Sunset Heights property overlooking Broadway between Henderson and Harris Streets. This is a good location for housing. It’s close to bus stops, schools, jobs, shopping and services. But there’s also no denying that many streets in the area are dangerous for walking, biking and rolling.

Two maps are shown. On the left, a map with a dark background shows dots and lines; a text box from one of the dots shows a report reading "although there is a crosswalk, drivers frequently ignore it." On the right, a map of the same area with a light-colored background has numerous blue dots indicating crash locations.
A Street Story report (left) and recent bike and pedestrian crashes (right) in the vicinity of Sunset Heights. Both Images: UC Berkeley SafeTREC.

So we’re grateful that RCHDC, the City of Eureka, and the Humboldt Transit Authority, are applying for a state grant that would not only help fund housing construction but also nearby transportation improvements. This is the same grant program that is funding major bike, pedestrian and transit upgrades associated with Eureka’s Linc Housing project and Arcata’s Sorrel Place project.

Next Monday at 6:30 pm at Alice Birney Elementary School, there will be a community meeting to hear input from members of the public about what kinds of improvements they’d like to see. If you can’t make it to that meeting, you can register for a virtual version of the same meeting on Wednesday at noon instead. And don’t forget to make Street Story reports about your experiences in the area!

At CRTP, we hope this project will include new designs for Harris and Henderson Streets to slow down traffic and provide a safer ride for bicyclists, as well as accessibility and crossing upgrades for pedestrians, and improved transit service. We also hope that the project will provide more momentum for planned safety upgrades to Broadway that we’ve long been fighting for.

Arcata Reviews Street Story to Identify Needed Improvements

The Arcata Transportation Safety Committee has begun reviewing Street Story and official crash reports in the city on a quarterly basis to identify persistent safety problems and propose solutions. At this week’s meeting, committee members began a new annual process of using those reports to propose specific low-cost safety upgrades to the City Council for implementation in the next year. Keep making those Street Story reports – they’re having an impact!

At the same meeting, an official subcommittee was also formed to make plans for reducing speed limits to 20 mph in many parts of the city. While reduced speed limits are not as effective as well-designed infrastructure at actually lowering driving speeds, research shows that they do make a difference.

In related news, the Arcata Planning Commission will meet next week to refine the Community Benefits Program that goes along with the recently adopted Gateway Plan and zoning code. The idea is to incentivize new housing projects to provide community amenities, which could include things like bike-share or car-share programs, better bike storage, free bus passes for residents, or funding for citywide bike and pedestrian upgrades. You can attend the meeting or email the commissioners to provide feedback on the proposed community benefits.

Humboldt Ranks High for Bike and Pedestrian Fatalities

A new report calculates the per capita rate of people killed and seriously injured while walking and biking in all of California’s counties during the five year period from 2019 to 2023. While Humboldt did not have the highest rates among all counties, it was close to the top, continuing the tragic trend we’ve seen in previous years. In fact, with 34 people killed while walking or biking in just five years, Humboldt’s numbers are a tragedy and a disgrace. Every death and serious injury on a street or highway is preventable; we just have to choose to live up to the slogans and actually put safety first.

Two maps of California counties are shown. On the left, a map of per capita pedestrian fatalities 2019-2023 is shown, with higher numbers indicated by darker shades of red. On the right, a map of per capita bike fatalities in shown, with higher numbers indicated by darker shades of blue. In both maps, Humboldt is relatively dark in color.
Image: UC Berkeley SafeTREC

News from Beyond the North Coast

Federal Highway Administration Removes Complete Streets Webpage

In the latest sign that, under Trump, the US Department of Transportation will not be prioritizing safety, the Federal Highway Administration has removed from its website the main page containing information and best practices for complete streets. It should be hard to imagine how the idea of safe streets for everyone could be controversial, but somehow transportation safety is part of our nation’s escalating culture wars.

Trump Attacks “Progressive” Transportation Policies from Coast to Coast

This week, Trump’s newly confirmed Transportation Secretary Sean Duffy – a person with no transportation policy experience – attempted to cancel New York’s recently implemented congestion pricing program, then launched an attack on California’s under-construction high speed rail project.

The Collector is CRTP’s weekly transportation news roundup, published every Friday. We focus on North Coast news, but we also include relevant state, national and international transportation news – plus other items that we just find kind of interesting! To submit items for consideration, email

Humboldt Supervisors Argue Over Transit & Road Funding

The Collector

February 14, 2025

Climate Action Plan Environmental Impact Report Published

A pie chart shows 73% of emissions coming from on-road transportation, with a variety of smaller pie slices representing other sources of emissions
Sources of climate pollution that can be influenced by local governments in Humboldt County. Image: County of Humboldt

Last week, we reported that a new draft of the Humboldt County Regional Climate Action Plan had been published, and the plan’s draft Environmental Impact Report was expected next month.

Apparently the environmental review was ahead of schedule, because the Environmental Impact Report was published this week! The document is available for public review and comment from now through April 5th.

With almost three-quarters of local climate pollution coming from transportation, you can be sure that CRTP will be reviewing the environmental documents and the revised plan itself very closely. Keep an eye out for more information after we’ve had a chance to analyze the 728-page document.

Humboldt Supervisors Argue Over Transit and Road Funding

A person in tan pants and a camouflage patterned sweater steps onto a bus from the sidewalk.

Regular readers of The Collector may recall that CRTP has been advocating for a long time for a substantial amount of the revenue from the new Measure O sales tax to go toward public transit. In fact, we pledged to oppose any new tax that didn’t include transit funding way back in April 2023, when Measure O was just a gleam in the county’s eye. That advocacy led to bus service being included in the Measure O ballot language, and to county supervisors promising when they put it on the ballot that some of the funding would support transit.

This week, the supervisors decided who would sit on the committee that recommends how much money will go to roads and how much to transit. A CRTP representative was appointed to that committee, along with two of the supervisors and several other stakeholders. During the discussion, several supervisors proposed hypothetical amounts that might go to transit, ranging from less than 2% all the way up to 30% of Measure O revenue.

Supervisor Rex Bohn unfortunately took up much of the time arguing that no money should go to transit and falsely claiming that transit funding wasn’t part of the public discussion that led to the development and passage of Measure O. Other supervisors appeared to have better memories and expressed more support for transit. The discussion was so lively that the Lost Coast Outpost set up a community poll asking how much of the funding should go to roads vs. transit. CRTP will keep working to ensure that our transit systems get enough funding to meet some of the longstanding local needs – like more frequent buses and transit service on Sundays – and that the money spent on roads includes safety upgrades for people walking, biking, and rolling.

In other local transit news, Joann Fabrics has announced the impending closure of its Eureka location. What does that have to do with transit? Every Eureka Transit route stops at the corner of F & Harris Streets, which also happens to be the Joann Fabrics location, making it one of two de facto transit hubs in the city. An empty building there would likely create challenges for maintaining a comfortable environment for riders – but a new tenant willing to cooperate with the Humboldt Transit Authority could generate opportunities for improvement.

The Fight to Protect Richardson Grove Continues

Local environmental organizations are continuing the decades-long legal battle against the Richardson Grove highway expansion project, appealing a recent judge’s ruling that dismissed one of their lawsuits. CRTP has always opposed the Richardson Grove project. We believe that the state should be spending its limited transportation dollars on desperately needed safety upgrades and low-carbon transportation improvements, not widening highways in state parks to accommodate the biggest interstate trucks.

CRTP tracks many Caltrans projects and often advocates for changes or improvements. If you’re wondering what other projects Caltrans is planning in our region, most of them can be found on this interactive map produced by the agency, including projects planned 5 years or more in the future.

News from Beyond the North Coast

Take Action to Save Federal Safety Funding

As we previously reported, the Trump administration has frozen many major transportation funding programs, including critical safety, equity, and climate programs. Local agencies on the North Coast are recipients of some of this funding – or were, before it was frozen. Now, the US Department of Transportation is threatening to end the programs altogether. Our friends at America Walks have a convenient tool for you to contact federal and state representatives and ask them to fight to restore these important programs.

The Founding Father of the Parking Reform Movement Dies at 86

UCLA professor and world-renowned parking expert Donald Shoup died last week. His 2005 book The High Cost of Free Parking sparked a movement to reform parking rules and practices across the globe, and his many other academic papers and public appearances described the financial and environmental costs of overabundant parking and promoted practical reforms. He will be greatly missed.

The Collector is CRTP’s weekly transportation news roundup, published every Friday. We focus on North Coast news, but we also include relevant state, national and international transportation news – plus other items that we just find kind of interesting! To submit items for consideration, email

Local Impacts of Federal Funding Chaos

The Collector

February 7, 2025

Latest Draft of Regional Climate Action Plan Published

A pie chart shows 73% of emissions coming from on-road transportation, with a variety of smaller pie slices representing other sources of emissions
Sources of climate pollution that can be influenced by local governments in Humboldt County. Image: County of Humboldt

The Humboldt County Regional Climate Action Plan is currently undergoing environmental review. According to county staff, the Draft Environmental Impact Report for the plan is expected to be released for public comment next month.

Meanwhile, the county recently uploaded a new draft of the plan to its website. It’s unusual for a plan to be updated in the middle of its environmental review. We’re still reviewing the changes, but we expect that they will be relatively minor and focused on comments submitted last fall.

We are keeping our eye on the big picture: almost three-quarters of the climate pollution covered by the plan comes from on-road transportation, mostly private cars and trucks. Transitioning to electric vehicles will be necessary but not sufficient to meet climate goals, and local governments have limited influence over private vehicle purchases. Which means there is no way the plan can achieve significant emissions reductions without major infrastructure, land use, and transit improvements to support more walking, biking and bus riding.

Federal Funding Uncertainty Hangs Over Local Plans

Some important local transportation planning efforts may be directly affected by the Trump administration’s ongoing efforts to freeze previously approved federal funding – including from two of the biggest transportation programs – and dismantle programs that don’t meet right-wing ideological purity tests. The Humboldt County Association of Governments (HCAOG) has received federal funding from at least two programs that appear to be targeted by Trump. One is a grant from the Safe Streets and Roads for All program to develop a regional Vision Zero plan to eliminate traffic fatalities and serious injuries. The other is an allocation from the Carbon Reduction Program, which local agencies intend to use to develop a plan for transitioning local fleets to zero-emission vehicles. Funds from both programs were awarded during the Biden administration, but the projects have not yet started.

Both of these federal funding programs are part of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (a.k.a. the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law), one of the programs specifically frozen by a Trump executive order. Furthermore, the new administration’s hostility toward climate action and electric vehicle infrastructure is well established, and even seemingly uncontroversial transportation safety programs are now being targeted by the administration. Given this political environment and the unprecedented attempts to interfere with federal funding that’s already been already allocated, local officials and advocates are extremely concerned that crucial safety, environmental and equity programs like those pursued by HCAOG will be de-funded or otherwise undermined.

Adding to the anxiety are concerns about what restrictions may be placed on future federal funding – especially with the new federal leadership making odd and unprecedented announcements about things like tying transportation funding amounts to local birth and marriage rates.

News from Beyond the North Coast

Right Turns on Red Are Dangerous

Right-turn-on-red laws were introduced during the oil crisis of the 1970s under the somewhat absurd premise that the US would save a significant amount fuel by allowing drivers to spend less time idling at intersections. A new study adds to years of evidence that drivers rarely come to a complete stop when making a right on red, and pedestrians and bicyclists are paying the price for this behavior.

Driving an Enormous Vehicles Won’t Make You Safer

It is well established that bigger and taller SUVs and pickup trucks are much more dangerous for people outside the vehicle, especially pedestrians and bicyclists. But Americans keep buying bigger and bigger vehicles anyway, in part because of concerns for their own safety in the escalating “arms race” on our streets. New research challenges the assumption that bigger is safer for vehicle occupants, finding that drivers and passengers in today’s enormous vehicles are no safer than they would be in a smaller car.

The Collector is CRTP’s weekly transportation news roundup, published every Friday. We focus on North Coast news, but we also include relevant state, national and international transportation news – plus other items that we just find kind of interesting! To submit items for consideration, email

Exciting Times for Transit in Humboldt County

The Collector

November 1, 2024

Buses Every 15 Minutes in the Humboldt Bay Region!
The Humboldt Transit Authority has won a major state grant which will fund the infrastructure to support a new express bus service running zero-emission buses every 15 minutes all the way from Trinidad to Scotia. A system with such frequent buses means a truly convenient transit service for the many thousands of people who live near the main bus route connecting the region’s biggest communities, including McKinleyville, Arcata, Eureka and Fortuna. The project also includes major bus stop upgrades, including real-time informational signage about bus arrival times, as well as lighting and public art. Read more details about this transformative project in the official grant announcement.

But before you run out to your nearest bus stop, you should know that the 15-minute service won’t happen right away. A lot of important details remain to be decided, including the exact route and schedule for the express bus. Even more importantly, while the new grant pays for all of the infrastructure to support 15-minute service, it doesn’t pay for the ongoing operational expenses like driver salaries and maintenance. So to make this happen, we need to secure ongoing, reliable funding for local transit operations. Speaking of which…

Don’t Forget to Vote!
Next Tuesday is Election Day. If you are eligible to vote but haven’t cast your ballot yet, make sure you have a plan to vote! Securing sufficient funding for public transit (not to mention safer streets and walkable infill development) depends on the support of federal, state and local elected officials. Candidates often have strikingly different views on these issues, so check out their platforms and records.

And don’t forget about those local ballot measures! For Eureka voters, CRTP strongly urges a “No” vote on Measure F, which seeks to block construction of walkable housing and a much-needed downtown transit center. Recent reporting from the Lost Coast Outpost suggests that Measure F is probably not only illegal but also unenforceable, and we agree with that analysis – but we’d rather not take any chances.

Other local measures that could affect transit funding are Arcata’s Measure H and countywide Measure O. Both are sales taxes that include transit services among the potential uses of their revenues. In the case of Measure O, Humboldt County Supervisors have said the majority of funds would go to roads, but have also promised to spend a significant portion on transit.

Speak Up About Your Transit Needs!
Over the next two months, eight hearings are scheduled in Humboldt County to hear from residents about their unmet transit needs. There will be hearings in Eureka, Arcata, Rio Dell, Ferndale, Trinidad and Blue Lake. The first hearings are scheduled for next Tuesday evening at Rio Dell City Hall and next Wednesday morning at the Humboldt Transit Authority Board meeting in Eureka. Check out the full schedule of hearings, and mark your calendar for one that works for you.

The unmet transit needs hearing process is legally mandated and happens every year. But this year, with the potential for 15-minute bus service and key decisions about transit funding on the horizon, we think participation is particularly important. The transit needs documented at these hearings can help make the case for more transit funding, and guide decisions about what to do with that funding. If you can’t attend any of the hearings – or even if you can – you can also fill out a survey about your unmet transit needs. Responda la encuesta sobre necesidades de transporte insatisfechas en español aquí.

News from Beyond the North Coast

Take Action to Support Safer Vehicles
As we previously reported, the federal government has finally proposed a rule to make vehicles less likely to kill pedestrians in a crash – specifically by regulating the design of their hoods. A lot more needs to be done, but this is an important first step. Our friends at America Walks have created an easy way for you to voice your support.

Indianapolis Supports Neighborhood Quick-Build Projects
Sometimes, it’s so hard to get a city or county to take action to make a road safer that neighbors take matters into their own hands and make unofficial changes – think hand-painted crosswalks or improvised traffic calming devices. The City of Indianapolis has turned this common scenario on its head, and is now providing a “lending library” of materials, along with city staff support, to empower neighborhoods to implement their own official traffic safety projects.

The Collector is CRTP’s weekly transportation news roundup, published every Friday. We focus on North Coast news, but we also include relevant state, national and international transportation news – plus other items that we just find kind of interesting! To submit items for consideration, email

Public Transit Workers Named 2023 Responsible Transportation Champions

Three Humboldt Transit Authority employees in the shop, the person in the center holding a plaque
HTA employees (L to R) Lee Miller, Cody Ferreira, and Dave Carter with the 2023 Responsible Transportation Champion Award.

The Coalition for Responsible Transportation Priorities (CRTP) has named the Humboldt Transit Authority’s drivers, vehicle service workers, mechanics and equipment technicians as the 2023 North Coast Responsible Transportation Champions. The annual award is given to locals who further CRTP’s mission of “promoting transportation solutions that protect and support a healthy environment, healthy people, healthy communities and a healthy economy on the North Coast.”

The Humboldt Transit Authority (HTA) workers are being recognized for their consistent, hard work providing crucial public transit services to our region under sometimes challenging conditions. This marks the first time that the award has been given to a group of people, rather than to specific individuals.

“HTA’s drivers, vehicle service workers, mechanics and equipment technicians are the people who literally keep the buses running every day,” said CRTP Executive Director Colin Fiske. “Our public transit system helps meet the mobility needs of the many local residents who can’t drive, including kids, seniors, people with disabilities, and people who can’t afford a car. And because private vehicles are the biggest source of local climate pollution, public transit is also a critical climate solution, providing low-carbon mobility throughout the region. None of this would be possible without the daily efforts of transit workers. HTA’s bus drivers, vehicle service workers, mechanics and equipment technicians are truly Responsible Transportation Champions.”

“All of us at HTA are committed to providing safe and effective service to our community, and we are honored to receive this recognition,” said Cody Ferreira, an HTA equipment technician and AFSCME union steward. “Our union drivers, mechanics, equipment technicians, and vehicle service workers take pride in offering an ever-expanding array of safe and environmentally-friendly transportation options across the region, and we hope to see everyone out on the route soon.”

Past recipients of the Responsible Transportation Champion award include: State Senator Mike McGuire, former McKinleyville Community Services District Director Mary Burke, former Humboldt County Association of Governments Executive Director Marcella May, Humboldt Transit Authority General Manager Greg Pratt and Transit Planner Jerome Qiriazi, and Caltrans District 1 Complete Streets team members Alexis Kelso and Joseph Caminiti.

HTA General Manager Greg Pratt Named 2021 Responsible Transportation Champion

HTA General Manager Greg Pratt receives the “golden bus” 2021 Responsible Transportation Champion award from CRTP Executive Director Colin Fiske.

The Coalition for Responsible Transportation Priorities (CRTP) has named Humboldt Transit Authority (HTA) General Manager Greg Pratt the 2021 North Coast Responsible Transportation Champion. Pratt is being recognized for his remarkable efforts to keep public transportation running in Humboldt County throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, while at the same time preparing for a rapid transition to zero-emission buses and initiating work on a much-needed downtown Eureka transit hub.

“HTA oversees almost all of the public transit in Humboldt County, and Greg has done an incredible job at the helm for many years,” said CRTP Executive Director Colin Fiske. “Even with all of his accomplishments and many years of service, though, nothing could have prepared him for the last couple of years. Running an effective public transit system during a global pandemic is a near-impossible task, but Greg has somehow managed it. Not only that, but at the same time he has been working behind the scenes to plan for long-term transit improvements, like a major hub in downtown Eureka, and to ensure that our local bus fleet hits zero-emission targets ahead of schedule.”

“HTA is in the process of applying to the state for a grant that will replace 10 diesel buses with 10 zero-emission buses,” Pratt said, “effectively removing 600,000 miles per year of greenhouse gas emissions in Humboldt County. And that’s only the beginning.”

The North Coast Responsible Transportation Champion award is given each year to a leader who furthers CRTP’s mission of “promoting transportation solutions that protect and support a healthy environment, healthy people, healthy communities and a healthy economy on the North Coast.” Past recipients include State Senator Mike McGuire, former McKinleyville Community Services District Director Mary Burke, and former Humboldt County Association of Governments Executive Director Marcella May.

Fiske added: “We sorely need more investment in our transit system from federal, state and local governments. But Greg’s ability to guide HTA in providing service to our huge county with the few resources currently available is truly remarkable. He richly deserves recognition as the 2021 Responsible Transportation Champion.”

Statement on Last Week’s Tragedies on Broadway

The Coalition for Responsible Transportation Priorities extends its condolences to the family and friends of Michael Wray Robinson, who was killed by a driver while biking through the intersection of Broadway and Henderson Street last Friday, October 8, 2021. As members of the community in which he lived, we grieve Mr. Robinson’s death alongside those who knew him personally.

We also extend our wishes for a full and rapid recovery to the man who was struck by three drivers and critically injured while walking on Broadway on the same night. Our thoughts are with the victim and with his family and friends.

When tragedies like these occur, it is incumbent upon the community not just to publicly grieve our losses, although this is important, but also to take action to prevent future tragedies of the same kind. Appallingly, we have failed to take action many times before. Just in the last few years, we failed to take action when Oudom Douangdao, Robert Mitchell and Russell Busch were killed on Broadway in 2014. We failed when a 70-year-old man, whose name has not even been publicly reported, was killed in 2017. We failed when Raymond Severns was killed in 2018. We failed when Ashley Madonia and Zachary Herbert were killed in 2019. We failed when Kelsey Diffin, Matthew Sullivan and Thomas Burns were killed in 2020.

We cannot fail again.

Caltrans is responsible for building, repairing and maintaining Broadway. As transportation planning research makes clear, the built environment significantly influences the rate of pedestrian strikes, and changing it offers the clearest path for reducing similar tragedies in the future. Caltrans deserves credit for planning safety improvements to parts of Broadway, but the improvements are not comprehensive enough, nor are they coming fast enough.

The Coalition is currently collecting signatures on a petition asking Caltrans to make significant, evidence-based, near-term improvements to Broadway before more lives are lost. Members of the community can view and sign that petition here: We welcome everyone to join us in asking Caltrans to take action now.

Memorial to Be Held for People Killed by Cars

Contact: Colin Fiske,

HUMBOLDT COUNTY, Calif.—The Coalition for Responsible Transportation Priorities and allies will be holding a memorial for people killed by cars in Humboldt County at 5:30 pm on Friday, August 27th, 2021, at the Humboldt County Courthouse in Eureka.

In the last decade, at least 80 people in Humboldt County have been killed by drivers while walking, biking, skateboarding, or rolling in a wheelchair. The county is consistently ranked among the most dangerous in the state for people walking and biking. Too often, the lives of these people killed on our streets are minimized or ignored, or the victims blamed for their own deaths. That is unacceptable.

This event will be a gathering for friends and families to remember those who have been killed, and for community members to acknowledge and honor the losses. At the event, the names of those killed will be read aloud, friends and family members may speak about their lost loved ones if they wish, and actions to prevent future tragedies will be discussed. There will also be a short, silent walk of commemoration in downtown Eureka, where participants will contemplate the vulnerability of pedestrians in the current streetscape.

The event will be led by Rev. Molly Cate, and social workers will be present to provide support for those grieving. This is a public, outdoor event, and all are encouraged to attend and pay their respects. Attendees are requested to wear masks, keep 6 feet apart from people not in their households, and follow all other public health guidelines and traffic laws during the event.

E-Scooters, Transit, Millions of Dollars, and More

The Collector

May 28, 2021

E-Scooters, Transit, Millions of Dollars, and More
“Technical Advisory Committee” might sound boring, but next week’s agenda for this quiet but influential Humboldt County Association of Governments (HCAOG) committee is anything but. The committee will get a presentation from the e-scooter company Bird about its interest in operating in Humboldt, hear the annual Unmet Transit Needs report and a presentation about the McKinleyville Transit Study (see below), make recommendations about newly available Coronavirus relief funding, and consider a draft of the first-ever Regional Transportation Plan “land use-transportation element.” And that’s not even all of it!

McKinleyville Transit Study Draft Report Available for Review
The report calls for piloting an on-demand micro-transit system as a first step toward improving public transportation in McKinleyville. Take the survey (en español aquí) or provide any other comments by June 25th. There will also be public presentations at next week’s Humboldt County Association of Governments Technical Advisory Committee and Social Services Transportation Advisory Council meetings.

CRTP & Allies Comment on Nordic AquaFarms Environmental Documents
We asked for a full Environmental Impact Report, and we got it. We’re happy about that, and ready for the next phase of analysis.

Eureka City Council to Vote on How to Spend SB1 Money
SB1 created, among other things, the Road Maintenance and Rehabilitation Account, from which the city expects to receive about half a million dollars next year. They plan to spend it on repaving parts of Washington and E Streets. But this money could be spent instead on critical safety projects, including bike and pedestrian infrastructure. Maybe it’s just us, but we think that’s a little more important than repaving, given Eureka’s traffic safety crisis.

Humboldt County Wants to Hear from You About Sea Level Rise
Critical transportation infrastructure is at risk, especially around Humboldt Bay.

Make your Street Story reports!
Local residents have reported 763 reports (and counting) on Street Story. La versión en español está disponible aquí. CRTP uses reports to advocate for change, and local agencies use them to apply for grants and prioritize improvements. Your reports are important!

Bike Supply Chains Still Struggling to Meet Demand
It’s a good sign that demand is still high this far into the pandemic.

Will That Electric F-150 Save Us?
Despite some fawning press coverage, let’s not forget that it’s still an oversized pedestrian-killing machine.

The “CalBike Insider”
Ever wonder what’s really going on in Sacramento? This new feature from CalBike provides some behind-the-scenes insights into transportation politicking in the state capital.

The New York Times Talks Urban Highway Removal
Planners are beginning to realize that it’s better to build cities that are nice to live in than ones that are convenient for suburban commuters to get in and out of.

Environmentalists Ask for Habitat Connectivity Money in Transportation Budget
Streets and highways have a huge impact on wildlife populations.

The Collector is CRTP’s weekly transportation news roundup, published every Friday. We focus on North Coast news, but we also include relevant state, national and international transportation news – plus other items that we just find kind of interesting! To submit items for consideration, email