Arcata to Take Next Step to Fully Integrate Transit Systems

The Collector

October 11, 2024

Arcata to Take Next Step to Fully Integrate Transit Systems
At its regular meeting next Wednesday, the Arcata City Council is poised to begin the process of transferring ownership of its Arcata & Mad River Transit System (AMRTS) buses to the Humboldt Transit Authority (HTA). HTA has been providing drivers, maintenance and scheduling for the AMRTS buses for the last couple of years. CRTP supports fully integrating the Arcata system into HTA, which will allow more efficient operations and should also support efforts to make the entire local transit network more seamless and understandable for riders.

More on Those Local Ballot Measures
Rob Arkley is dumping even more money into the Measure F campaign, powering a flood of disinformation in mailboxes, on billboards and online. The mortgage loan tycoon has now spent over $1.5 million to convince Eurekans to block the development of downtown housing and a transit center in favor of maintaining some parking spaces that he and his employees like to use, all while lying that it’s a “pro-housing” measure. Meanwhile, a top state housing official has weighed in to explain the potentially dire consequences of passing Measure F, and the North Coast Journal editorial board took a strong stand against the measure. CRTP urges Eurekans to vote No on F.

Advertising has also begun ramping up in support of Measure O, the countywide sales tax measure. While the ads focus almost entirely on roads, CRTP and our allies secured a promise from Humboldt County supervisors that some of the money would also go to support transit. You can be sure that if Measure O passes, we will be working to ensure the supervisors keep that promise, and also that road spending helps improve safety for all road users rather than just maintaining the dangerous status quo.

Check Out a Recording of Our Street Story Training on Our YouTube Channel!
Our Outreach Specialist, Kelsey, has been out in the community providing Street Story presentations to local agencies and organizations. The presentation provides information about Street Story, why it’s important and how to utilize it in the community. Now it has been recorded! We are excited to provide this resource for folks to use in their future street safety efforts! Click here to watch the presentation, then check out the rest of our YouTube channel and subscribe to future videos. And don’t forget to make your Street Story reports!

Local Environmental Group Makes Endorsements
The Redwood Coalition for Climate and Environmental Responsibility (RCCER) has endorsed candidates in several local Humboldt County races and taken positions on Measure F and two statewide ballot measures.

News from Beyond the North Coast

More About Those New State Laws
Check out CalBike’s handy summary to get some of the highlights of new bike and pedestrian-friendly laws from this year’s legislative session.

Longer Crosswalks Are More Dangerous
A new study provides quantitative support for the common-sense conclusion that longer crosswalks are more dangerous for pedestrians.

Why Won’t US Regulators Allow Automakers to Sell Small Cars?
Counterproductive US “safety” rules let massive pick-up trucks and SUVs onto American streets with no problem, but balk at extra-small, low-speed vehicles. Consequently, mini-cars which are popular in much of the rest of the world and can dramatically improve safety on city streets are illegal to sell in this country.

The Collector is CRTP’s weekly transportation news roundup, published every Friday. We focus on North Coast news, but we also include relevant state, national and international transportation news – plus other items that we just find kind of interesting! To submit items for consideration, email