The Collector
June 28, 2024
Unfortunately, the language is still complicated and difficult to understand. If you’re a Eureka voter, here’s what you need to know: The ballot measure is an attempt by conservative mogul Rob Arkley and his pals to block the development of affordable, walkable downtown housing, as well as a much-needed transit center, by imposing the impossible (and
completely unnecessary) mandate that existing parking lots must be preserved and a bunch of additional parking must also be built. The other part of the measure, which concerns a proposed rezoning of the Jacobs site to allow a variety of uses, is a red herring, since the city has no power to require housing development on the site. The measure might be confusing when you see it on the ballot, but we hope the decision to vote no is obvious.
Here are a couple of highlighted narratives about Myrtle Avenue from your fellow Street Story reporters:
“Speed limit is too high. There is barely a shoulder, no bike lane, no lights. People pass on the wrong side of the road, cross double lines into oncoming traffic.”
“Sidewalk on the south side of the street unexpectedly ends with no nearby safe place to cross to the sidewalk on the other side. Overgrown vegetation stops me from being able to walk on grass for that stretch.”

The funding will help the city develop new zoning rules to encourage development in “infill opportunity” neighborhoods, as well as supporting new accessory dwelling units citywide. CRTP is excited that the city will continue to promote denser housing that will support higher quality public transit and also allow people to walk or bike to jobs, schools and other key destinations.
News from Beyond the North Coast
Speak Up (Again) for the Caltrans Complete Streets Bill
Thanks to support from advocates like you, SB 960 made it out of the state Senate. Next week, it faces another key vote in the Assembly Transportation Committee. If passed, this bill would require Caltrans to provide needed bike, pedestrian and transit facilities on state highways. In our region, where many state highways act as community main streets, the bill could have a transformative effect.
How Much Bike Parking Should New Buildings Provide?
The California Building Code is being updated to increase requirements for bike parking in new residential and commercial buildings. Adequate bike parking is a crucial but over overlooked necessity to allow more biking. If you have opinions about how much bike parking – and what kind – should be required, CalBike has instructions for submitting your comments.
California is the Eighth Most Dangerous State for Pedestrians
That’s just one of the important findings of the most recent Dangerous by Design report from Smart Growth America.
The Collector is CRTP’s weekly transportation news roundup, published every Friday. We focus on North Coast news, but we also include relevant state, national and international transportation news – plus other items that we just find kind of interesting! To submit items for consideration, email