Some Safety Improvements Coming to Eureka’s 4th & 5th Streets

The Collector

August 16, 2024

Some Safety Improvements Coming to Eureka’s 4th & 5th Streets
At the Humboldt County Association of Governments Board meeting this week, Caltrans’ new local Safe Systems Office Chief reported that when 4th and 5th Streets are repaved next year, the project will include new high-visibility markings on all crosswalks, as well as additional striping to emphasize no-parking zones near crosswalks, and even a few flashing beacons to draw drivers’ attention to pedestrians crossing the street.

This is all part of a new Caltrans program that allows the agency to include quick, low-cost safety improvements in some of their routine road maintenance projects. CRTP previously provided input to our local Caltrans district about what improvements should be prioritized, and many of these 4th and 5th Street changes were on our list. We are pleased that Caltrans listened, and we’re excited to see these improvements! But we also recognize that a lot more needs to be done to make these streets truly safe. Expect to hear more from CRTP about 4th and 5th Streets in the future.

Humboldt Regional Climate Action Plan Draft Available for Public Comment
Back in 2017, when Humboldt County was completing its last General Plan update, the county promised to work with local cities to adopt a regional Climate Action Plan that shows how the region will live up to its obligations to reduce climate pollution. Seven long years later – after a lot of pressure from CRTP and other local environmental advocates – a public draft of that plan is finally available. The county says it expects to complete environmental review and adopt the final plan (along with all the local cities) in the summer of 2025.

The county’s calculations show that three-quarters of climate pollution subject to the draft Climate Action Plan come from transportation, so the need for major reforms of our transportation system is clear. CRTP is still reviewing the document, and you’ll hear more from us soon. You can submit comments on the draft plan from now through September 13th, and there will be a public meeting held on Tuesday, September 10th, at 6:00 pm at the Wharfinger Building in Eureka.

Two Opportunities to Learn More About Street Story
Have you been wanting to use Street Story, but feel like you need a little more information? Next Tuesday at 4:30 pm, CRTP Outreach Specialist Kelsey Martin will be presenting to the Arcata Transportation Safety Committee about how Street Story works, and how local agencies can use the tool to help improve street safety. Members of the public are welcome to attend.

Then, on Wednesday at 9:30 am, CRTP Executive Director Colin Fiske will talk about our work promoting and using Street Story as part of a statewide webinar on collaborations between community organizations and local governments applying for active transportation funding. Click here to learn more and register for the webinar.

Eureka City Council to Talk About Vacant Building Ordinance
Next Tuesday, the Council will continue its discussion of a proposed ordinance that would penalize property owners for leaving buildings vacant while making no attempt to sell or rent them. Why is this a transportation issue? Because making full use of existing buildings in our cities reduces the pressure to build new car-dependent sprawl!

News from Beyond the North Coast

House Republicans Keep Trying to Cut Transit Funding
The latest budget proposals from House Republicans again include massive cuts to public transit, as well as prohibitions on spending transportation money to promote equity or climate resilience.

“Killed by a Traffic Engineer”
Did you know that you can become a professional traffic engineer in the United States without having taken a single class in traffic engineering? Or that many standard traffic engineering practices are based on outdated (and often debunked) research, or on no research at all? Former transportation engineer and current engineering professor Wes Marshall discusses these and many other shocking facts in his new book, and concludes that the profession needs to make some major changes – and to admit that its practices have been responsible for a huge number of deaths and serious injuries on America’s streets and highways.

The Collector is CRTP’s weekly transportation news roundup, published every Friday. We focus on North Coast news, but we also include relevant state, national and international transportation news – plus other items that we just find kind of interesting! To submit items for consideration, email