Humboldt Bay Trail Celebration!

A whimsical cartoon shows an egret on roller skates, a bear on a bicycle, a walrus pushing a stroller with a baby walrus, a porcupine on a skateboard, a turtle on a scooter, and a mole walking.

The time is almost upon us when there will be a complete bike and pedestrian trail along the shores of Humboldt Bay between Eureka and Arcata. We’ve been waiting a long time for this, and it’s time to celebrate!


Saturday, June 28th, 2025


The Adorni Center in Eureka & along the trail!

Celebration Organizers & Supporters

Organizers & supporters of the Humboldt Bay Trail Grand Opening Celebration include the Coalition for Responsible Transportation Priorities (CRTP), Great Redwood Trail Agency, Redwood Community Action Agency (RCAA), Humboldt Trails Council, Ink People Center for the Arts, Humboldt County Association of Governments, County of Humboldt, City of Eureka, Bike Month Humboldt Coalition, Friends of the Eel River, Humboldt Waterkeeper, Environmental Protection Information Center (EPIC), and Mir de Silva.

More information coming soon!